are any of your fellow secondary school/highschool classmates dead?

2018-07-04 2:26 am
Got curious thinking back over 23 years ago at my whole Highschool year and pondering who might be dead. I know for a fact 2 of them are. One from drug overdose in 2001 which doesn't surprise me as he was always the troublesome type and another from cancer in 2008 but out of close to 100 pupils I wonder who else didn't live past 35.

Anyone else ever wonder or find out at all about any of them?

I mean find out about YOUR year.

回答 (4)

2018-07-04 3:14 am
Yes many are since it was decades ago.
2018-07-06 7:16 pm
There was a guy in my high school who was always a prck, and a bully. I looked him up 20 yrs later and he'd become an oil-company guy, buying up mineral rights from farmers in western Canada. Well, he'd assure them that they'd never know the oil company was there, and it wouldn't change a thing. So they'd sign up, and then bulldozers would show up to bulldoze them off their property which had been signed a way much more completely, in the fine print of the contract. So this one farmer went to the sheriff, the lawyer, the police chief, and they all said, sorry Doug, he got you. So the farmer went back and when they showed up again, shot my old classmate dead! Which is unheard of in Canada, really, in that kind of context. He then turned himself in to the law, immediately, which is more in keeping with that culture. So the one prck is dead, the honest farmer is in jail, and that's that.
2018-07-04 9:47 pm
'05. so far one suicide. hung himself on the fan.
2018-07-04 11:31 am
At age 82, as many of them are dead as alive.
參考: Class of 1954

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