I'm asking for chemistry?

2018-07-01 5:11 pm
Describe a simple chemical test to distinguish between Hex-1-ene and cyclohexane...State clearly what would be observed and give the equation for the reaction occurred.

回答 (3)

2018-07-02 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Add Bromine water (Br2) which is red/orange/brown in colour.
The Hex-1-ene will decolorise the bromine water to colourless.
The Cyclohexane will NOT decolorise bromine water. It will remain red/orange in colour.

This is the classic test for Alkenes.
2018-07-02 2:07 am
In darkness, add separately bromine solution to hex-1-ene and cyclohexane.

When added to hex-1-ene, the orange bromine solution turns colorless.

When bromine solution is added to cyclohexane in darkness, there is no observable change.
2018-07-02 11:09 am
No need to do it in the dark.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:10:21
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