My boss just sent me a video of him having sex with my ex?

2018-07-01 1:03 pm
About 2 weeks ago my gf left me because she said she only likes black guys and I told my manager that I'm not with her anymore. And he said that he's gonna get her now but I thought he was just joking. He literally just sent me a video of him ******* my ex gf. He recorded her face and everything. I want to ******* kill myself right now. I don't know what to do.....

回答 (5)

2018-07-01 1:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Take a copy of the video to your Human Resources department and file a complaint, if he isn't fired for sexual harassment, get a lawyer and sue for sexual harassment. With that video, it should be worth an easy million dollars.
2018-07-01 1:56 pm
Sue the crap out of your employer
2018-07-04 11:00 am
2018-07-02 2:49 pm
Don't reward them by killing yourself.
Go talk with a therapist to learn emotional skills so you won't feel so desperate.

Quit your job.
Oh, you could go to Human Resources and tell them that your manager is sending you inappropriate and offensive sexual material. But that won't make your manager NICER to you.

Your MAIN problem is dealing with your emotions. Fix that and the other stuff won't matter nearly as much.
You know, we just are NOT taught how to work with our emotions. And now is a time when you need that skill.
2018-07-02 11:09 am
Maybe stop making up stories, then?

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