"Illuminate" is a word describes an object sending out light, is there a word to describe an object sending out heat? Thank you.?

2018-06-29 5:04 pm

回答 (8)

2018-06-29 8:22 pm
Radiate .. that's why those things that heat your house are called radiators.
2018-06-29 5:50 pm
The notion of "illuminate" as a verb is the fact of making something bright which would otherwise be dark. It is not so much the "sending out" of the light, but the fact that a room or a surface etc is now visible because it is illuminated.

An object which sends out heat "radiates heat". And indeed an object which sends out light radiates light. So the Sun radiates heat and light, and the light illuminates the Earth.
2018-06-29 5:06 pm


2018-06-29 5:06 pm
2018-06-29 5:05 pm
2018-06-30 3:18 am
Actually, "illuminate" is what happens to the object that the light falls on, not the object producing the light. So the equivalent verb for heat would be "to heat." The lamp ILLUMINATED the room; fire HEATED the food.

However, if you want a word for what the fire (or other source of heat) does, it's "to radiate".
2018-06-29 5:32 pm
"Illuminate" is a word describing something that makes something ELSE give off light, or that shines a light ON something else. It's an action. There is no word to describe something that causes something else to heat up other than "radiate".
2018-07-05 10:34 am
"iluminate" is also used in the sense of to enlighten someone about something.
Do you mean an object that heats up and you can feel the warmth ?

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