Is America the greatest country in the world?

2018-06-29 11:48 am

回答 (150)

2018-06-29 7:16 pm
No. But it might be one of the worst.
2018-06-29 12:00 pm
Actually not so much anymore. The middle class in the US has been losing ground continuously for 40 years. We used to have the highest standard of living in the world but now we're about no. 20. It's harder every year for a young person to get an education, get a career, start a family, buy a home. We have less freedom that most other modern successful countries, and most people seem to be convinced that the only way to save our freedoms is to give them up voluntarily. Out entire political system is fueled by hate and jealousy and anger and our federal govt. is paralyzed by competing special interests. Our national debt doubles with every Republican president because the only thing they can think of to stop bleeding debt is to give big tax cuts to the rich and corporations. We get into one unnecessary war after another, against enemies that are largely imaginary, which cost us trillions but produce nothing of value, except to alienate what few allies we have left. And most Americans don't know the difference between patriotism and arrogant, malicious nationalism.

Perhaps the worst thing, white people are becoming a minority in the US. This is not so bad (wait and see!) but about half of Americans are willing to to destroy the whole country to stop this trend AND THEY KNOW THEY CAN'T. Conservative politicians sell them all kinds of hate and intolerance, and in the end it will make no difference except to make them more angry and hateful. We're becoming a nation of hateful, spiteful a**holes.

We WERE the greatest nation on earth, but those days are gone. The American Century is over.
2018-06-30 1:06 pm
Yes, it is, if not one of the greatest countries in the world. I want to live there.
2018-06-29 11:55 am
B 4 Trump, it was
2018-06-29 11:57 am
Pick any of the Scandinavian countries and voilà. America is probably top 10, but definitely not top 3 just because America can kick everybody in the world's åss 50𝘹 over doesn't mean it's the greatest. It's government is run by a bunch of incompetent shitheads and that unfortunately has a huge negative trickle down affect on it's meager citizens.
2018-06-29 11:49 am
Not even close. It's descended into a sh!thole.
2018-07-01 4:03 am
2018-06-30 6:38 pm
Define "the greatest country".
2018-06-30 12:48 am
Engerland is the ONLY good country on the planet!

2018-06-30 3:59 pm
it's potential is one of the greatest, but there are too many issues to give it the top spot now.
2018-06-29 1:34 pm
The way it's going the USA may be hard pressed to claim to be the greatest country in North America!
2018-06-30 5:45 am
"Greatness" is a loosely defined and unrestricted term in this context, but yes in many ways 21st Century Americans do live historically better, safer, and more free to do as they wish than any people who have ever walked this earth. But on the flip side, in a more modern statistics sort of ranking, we do fare considerably poorer than several other countries in many respects. It depends on what you value.
Good question!
2018-06-30 2:21 am
Crooked president and WH staff, Nazi-cops, terrorist ops against other countries, millions in jail for non violent crimes, terrible health care system, gerrymandering, everyone has a gun, low educational system......yeah, greatest country in the world.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
2018-06-29 12:23 pm
171st greatest
2018-06-30 12:07 am

Greatness can be measured on too many levels to make the blanket claim that America is the greatest. However, in terms of Freedom, America is the freest nation. America is the most prosperous. America is the global police force (which is both good and bad).

So, it all depends on the level that you're asking.
2018-06-30 11:38 pm
No, it's one of the worst actually, Americans fear their neighbor and blame their neighbor for all their self-inflicted problems
2018-06-30 12:32 pm
Greatest at what? You didn t say.

Capitalism? Probably.
Morbid obesity? Definitely.
Tourist destination? One of the greatest for sure.
Education? Not even close.
Military power? Too close to call.
Mass shootings? Oh hell yeah.

So which category are we talking about here?
2018-06-29 10:48 pm
It is if you’re white and rich.
2018-06-30 8:39 am
Certainly was until Obama got ahold of it but Trump is working on fixing the Obama mess
2018-06-29 11:49 am
May b not. No one country may be
2018-06-29 11:24 pm
Was before Ole Rumpy took office.
2018-06-29 8:12 pm
2018-06-30 3:39 am
Nowhere near.
It's largely only Americans who consider America to be "great".
2018-06-29 12:18 pm
It was and possibly still is. However it has come to a screaming halt with to much faith put in some idealistic view on how the world used to be.

Other Nations have rapidly caught if not passed the US in so many areas due to backward thinking and intransigence in the US when it come to making changes.
2018-06-29 11:50 am
It's pretty darn good.
I remember it as a better place, but it still ranks, because, many of the other pretty darn good countries were better places at one time too. The Western world is strangling itself with it's own hands.
參考: American.
2018-06-29 12:31 pm
Any country with all whites is the best.
just look at the stats.
2018-06-29 11:49 am
anyone who would think any different is retarded
2018-06-30 5:38 am
By no means and particularly not in this present epoch. It could be but it chose otherwise.
2018-06-29 8:36 pm
Quit joking around, kid. The US is a nation of bums & failures that lost its greatness years ago.
Everyone on the planet knows that.
Just like the entire World knows why the US elected Trump - to make America great again. Because it's not.
2018-06-29 3:46 pm
With what the good citizen suffers at the hands of its cops & courts. It is low level 3rd world. The middle class has been raped to near death. Its crime rate is staggering. Its Governments in a shambles. Yet it keeps going down hill from there. Not much good left to say about it left.
2018-06-29 11:53 am
lol no
2018-06-30 2:53 am
Netherlands is the greatest country in the world to me because I was born there.
2018-06-30 5:06 am
2018-06-29 5:29 pm
Yes. Always has been. Despite what the fuctard liberals say.
2018-06-30 9:45 am
No. Not in a million years unless they clean up their acts. America has the highest crime rate out of all the other developed Western countries and most of its largest and well known cities (especially the inner parts) are a disaster (a "greatest country" would never let their cities become almost third world like, no matter what). Its education system is a total failure (there are many developing countries with education system better than America) and the dropout rate, high rates of teenage pregnancies, drug usage all contribute to the American education decadence. There is freedom of speech, but oh have to be careful with what you say or else the political correctness (PC) police will come after you and label you a racist, sexist homophobic, kkk sympathizer, white nazi. Not to mention that is America is morally bankrupt: high rates of crime, high rates of illegitimacy, high rates of drug usage, pornography, Hollywood, abortions, sanctuary cities along with multiculturalism, feminism, sexual promiscuity. We basically have a culture of violence as seen by all these shooting games, crime shows, slasher films. All these things, which by the way, are more prevalent in America than anywhere else in the world (well maybe some Western European countries are similar). If all these factors are solved, then yes, America is the greatest country.

And don t say Americans are the greatest because of things like WW2 or Vietnam or they have advanced technology. First of all, most of their technology came as a result of immigration to the US by Western/Central Europeans and especially Ashkenazi Jews. They could not have won WW2 if it weren t for the technology they usurped from European and Jewish scientists. And about Vietnam or even Korea, yeah, they didn t even do good in those wars. They lost to the former and the latter ended up being divided. And the war in the Middle East, yeah, it solved nothing. There is still religious violence/terrorism going on in those places. The Americans did nothing other than bomb a bunch of terrorists, only to end up making the situation in those countries (Iraq and Afghanistan) even worst (ISIS anyone)

The point is I m not implying America is the worst country, but it s far from being the greatest in the world. Maybe the fact that you can express yourself freely and have more opportunities is one thing, but thats pretty much it. Anyways, sorry for my long essay for a short question, but just expressing my views like any ordinary person.
2018-06-30 6:05 am
Clearly it is. It might not be perfect, but it's better than any other country.
2018-06-30 4:46 am
Sure, if you're American :)

I think Ireland and New Zealand score very highly based on community spirit and general sociability.
2018-06-30 5:52 am
The USA has been on the decline slowly for the last 30 years. Americans still brag they live in the greatest country on the world but at the moment several other countries are way ahead of the USA. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the Scandinavian countries all have way superior living conditions
For example, Australia has a minimum wage of around $18 an hour compared to the US minimum wage of around $8 an hour. Australians get a minimum of 4 weeks paid annual leave as well as 2 weeks paid sick leave. The average Australian has 4 times the accumulated wealth on average of the average American. Australians have subsidized healthcare for everyone and free healthcare for pensioners and people out of work. Australia have a better social security system and there is no real excuse for homelessness here as unemployed people and the disabled get enough to survive in accommodation. Australian states supply government housing for the poor at a cheap rate. Australians also live on average 40 months longer than Americans. Australia also has gun control and does not allow the average citizen to own handguns or assault rifles whose only reason for existing is to kill people. We have not had a major massacre since the mid 1990s since the gun control laws came in.
The only thing the USA has way better than us is its military as the size of the US population which is about 13 times Australia's population can support that even though apparently we spend more per population on the military.
From my understanding all the countries I named as better than the USA have similar things as Australia does such as wages and social security. We are amazed at how poor Americans are by comparison and amazed they cannot do the same for their people as Australia does for theirs.
I met an American woman who married an Australian man and I asked her if there were any regrets on leaving the USA to come here and live with her husband. She said hell no, as life here is way better in Australia than back in America.
2018-06-30 2:11 am
I usee to think so but under Trump it is rapidly becoming a third world country.
2018-06-30 12:10 am
"Pride goeth before a fall."
-- the book of Proverbs, in the Christian Old Testament

We love to THINK we are.

But of course, most people living in other countries around the world love to believe the same thing about their own nations.

I think whether we're the best country, or the worst, or somewhere in between, we'd do better as a nation to forego the bragging and the national chest-thumping, and do the best we can to govern ourselves well and play an honorable role of the world stage.

This goes beyond politics, by the way - beyond liberal vs. conservative, black vs white, white vs. black, straight vs. gay, Democrats vs Republicans etc.

Bragging and boasting just aren't good ways to run a personal life OR run a country. And when you brag too loudly, other people may think that you're doing this to hide your own inner insecurities.

-- democratic socialist
2018-07-02 8:35 pm
No, it is not.
2018-06-30 12:57 pm
Not at the present time. Australia or New Zealand or even Canada would be better.
Australia has a better Health Care system and less Shootings.
2018-06-29 12:02 pm
Not right now. I believe we are intentionally being downgraded as we speak. On purpose concocted and deliberate as can be. I hope and pray I am not the only one that sees this for what it is.
2018-06-29 11:53 am
2018-06-30 12:08 pm
2018-06-29 11:59 am
It was....and it will be.

Right now, it is an embarrassment.
2018-06-29 11:50 am
Conservatives think America is the greatest country in the world. Liberals hate America, think it is the worst country in the world, and want to bring it down. And they cover their hatred for America by saying "we just want to make it better" and "we just have a different opinion."
2018-06-30 3:29 pm
Damn right it is: The USA is making a epic comeback---and we can thank President Trump for making it that way!!

President Trump 2020: Keeping America Great and Strong
2018-06-29 11:52 am
YES. Why do you think all the good countries have an immigration problem. Everybody from central America walks right through shitholes like Mexico.
2018-07-03 4:19 pm
Sad to say... not any more!
2018-07-03 3:03 pm
It's good for me. I can navigate this place pretty easily. Maybe one day I'll find a different place, but so many countries have arbitrary rules that make moving there stupid-hard even if you speak the language fluently. What are they protecting that's so valuable?
2018-07-03 8:18 am
America is not a country. IF you are referring to the United States of America, the country, no. It is not the greatest. not anymore than someone from (Any) other country is their greatest country.
2018-07-02 11:14 pm
Jamaca is because all you do is smoke weed and hang out at the beach.
2018-07-02 3:27 pm
2018-07-02 1:05 pm
The fattest
2018-07-01 3:31 pm
I wouldn't go there if you paid me...too dangerous...nutcases running around with guns everywhere.
2018-07-01 2:26 am
... until recently.
2018-06-30 9:34 pm
With 1/3 talking about civil war within 5 years, I think theres something amiss.
I would lay this at the door of the greedy banking sector.

America has been great in the past, and brought forth many institutions.

Here's a question. Has the internet caused this disturbance ?. Would we have had hippies if we had the internet back then ?.
2018-06-30 1:08 pm
YES USA USA USA (i live in england its a dump)
2018-06-30 1:02 pm
2018-06-30 11:45 am
2018-06-30 6:11 am
What does that even mean? We were taught to believe that as children and now all of the ideals we used to use to back it up are being trampled on by the low intelligence public and their sad pathetic coman in chief.
2018-06-30 2:52 am
greatest for and at what,,if your rich yeah
2018-06-29 9:32 pm
Not perfect. In spite of the best efforts of Radical Marxists, the USA is still a decent place to live. But judgment is coming. "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 3:2, KJV). Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
2018-07-02 9:36 pm
America isn't a country at all. It never was & never will be. It's the entire continental mass & related islands that's most of the western hemisphere. It extends from the north shore of Ellesmere Is. in the north to the south shore of Tierra del Fuego in the south. It's THIRTY-SIX countries with 1B+ people. Anyone who has access to an atlas can prove thins to him/herself in seconds.
2018-07-01 1:55 pm
It used to be until the Supreme Court spat in our face with Roe v Wade and liberals basically outlawed Christianity.
2018-06-30 10:23 pm
I'm a Brit and like to think USA is
2018-06-30 9:23 pm
No, it is not, we cannot say which country is. Lots of things to take into account
2018-06-30 8:54 am
It used to be, but Trump is doing everything he can to make sure the U.S. no longer has that status.
2018-06-30 6:59 am
Not even close .America might be the greatest country in the world for shopping but that's where it ends. I believe it's the most overrated country in the world in so many ways especially if you traveld to Europe like I did
2018-06-30 6:54 am
Damn straight!
2018-06-29 8:48 pm
it's an awful placed
2018-07-01 5:38 am
Yes - everyone knows that - except libtarded liars.
2018-07-01 12:12 am
Not really
2018-06-30 12:53 pm
It was until 11/16! Then by 2/17 we were headed toward the bottom.
2018-06-30 10:30 am
Yes obviously. We have the greatest Military, Greatest economy and do the most for Humanitarian purposes
2018-06-30 7:46 am
No. Most dangerous.
2018-06-30 4:21 am
2018-06-30 3:03 am
The answers is 'Yes', if you choose your qualifications VERY selectively.
I'd argue that things like the Where To Be Born Index are much better indicators on greatness:

Just to point out in case any of you are too young or too sheltered to realise- every person thinks that their home country is the greatest in the world. It's quaint, but it's essentially bullshit. But it's a matter of defining the terms.
2018-06-29 3:22 pm
2018-06-29 11:49 am
depends on the definition of "greatest"
2018-06-30 8:09 am
2018-06-30 2:28 am
Yes. All the other countries in the world are shitholes
2018-06-29 11:49 am
Yes overall but we do have our problems
2018-06-30 1:43 am
Yes! It’s obvious.
2018-07-04 7:57 am
Can't say it is, but it's pretty freakin' awesome here compared to where I could have been. I was born in Korea, and left there at age 6. If I hadn't, I'd probably be a submissive, self-hating mess who would be working double shifts to pay for double eyelid surgery. Oh, and god forbid if I hadn't managed to find a husband by age 30. I'd never hear the end of it! Here, I can generally live how I want, feel good about my looks, even if they're not classically beautiful, and tell people to go **** themselves if they come for me without an invitation. Overall, I'm really grateful to be here, in spite of all the socioeconomic dilemmas that shouldn't exist in a country this wealthy. That's why I became a legal citizen, as expensive and painstaking as it was. We really do have it pretty good here.
2018-07-03 5:16 pm
2018-07-03 9:26 am
2018-07-03 9:25 am
I’m an American, I wouldn’t say the best but we have free rights and that’s something sum countries don’t have. I remeber a phrase “ it’s America, ppl either wanna kill us or be us”
2018-07-03 8:35 am
It could be.
2018-07-03 6:30 am
Every country in the world itself is the greatest one for their people.
2018-07-03 5:27 am
There are many great countries in the world.
2018-07-03 2:41 am
Yes it is, people come here from all I’ve the world for better lives, how is that not enough proof?
2018-07-02 11:55 pm
The millions of immigrants risking everything to come here seem to think it is.
2018-07-02 11:30 pm
**** NO *****
2018-07-02 11:11 pm
No. many country is greatest than america
2018-07-02 10:00 pm
Asking Americans or non Americans?
2018-07-02 9:23 pm
I would say its bettee then others.
2018-07-02 8:19 pm
It’s definitely the most free. Not the greatest.
2018-07-02 6:25 pm
Yes, despite the rabid socialist garbage & democrat traitors in the country
2018-07-02 5:42 pm
It's verry subjective, plus a country has a lot of elements
2018-07-02 4:50 pm
It depends on what you want to ask from side. If you ask from the territory,I will tell you that the greatest country is Russia.(The book tells it)
2018-07-02 10:04 am
2018-07-02 8:42 am
That would depend on who you are asking.
2018-07-02 2:58 am
Does our yardstick measure egos or facts?
2018-07-01 11:30 pm
If I were to agree I would be unpatriotic to my country - the United Kingdom
2018-07-01 6:51 pm
North Koreans think their country is the greatest in the world.
2018-07-01 2:13 pm
2018-07-01 1:56 pm
It wasn't but for the past 2 years it's starting to look like it. So much I'd trade my shity Canadian citizenship papers for an American one.
2018-07-01 7:56 am
I don’t think any country has the right to claim that but USA certainly is a great country.
2018-07-01 6:35 am
If Not, then why are people trying to get here????
2018-07-01 5:28 am
No. It's probably the most powerful and most influential, both politically and economically, country in the world. But not the greatest. I don't think there is a single 'Greatest' country in the world. Different countries are so diverse and can differ in so many ways, politically culturally, geographically or socially. I mean, by greatest do you mean the most powerful economically or militarily for example. If so, that would tend to suggest they are the country that could potentially wreak the most damage on another country for example in a war, the most powerful country in the world. Describing a country in those terms has a sort of tyrannical, bullying edge to it and is a characteristic that I would not want my country to have. But it's a characteristic that the US has shown it has on numerous occasions in the past so on second thought yes, maybe America is the greatest country in the world!
2018-07-01 1:44 am
It might be in some aspects, while not so in other aspects. There is no utophia.
2018-07-01 12:59 am
not only greatest but also this is nice riches country
2018-06-30 11:17 pm
Yes, because all the riffraff spend all their time and money trying to get into it.
2018-06-30 10:14 pm
Nope, the US sucks now.
2018-06-30 10:04 pm
2018-06-30 9:25 pm
It is certainly the greatest laughing stock with Trump in charge
2018-06-30 5:54 pm
That depends on your personal definition of "greatness". And note that the full title of the country is "The United States of America".
2018-06-30 4:01 pm
2018-06-30 2:08 pm
No its not.
2018-06-30 2:03 pm
2018-06-30 1:37 pm
probably so
2018-06-30 6:49 am
2018-06-30 6:02 am
"Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it.
Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.
For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?
And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?
Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons;"- Deuteronomy chapter 4 verses 5 to 9. Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have everlasting life! Get a king james bible.
2018-06-29 8:24 pm
2018-07-02 3:47 pm
The greatest country in the world is DANK MEMES.
2018-07-01 7:38 am
2018-07-01 6:58 am
Yes it is the best
2018-07-01 6:10 am
2018-07-01 3:19 am
Is it not Russia?
2018-07-01 2:35 am
Yes, even the bible says so. It is the single greatest nation that has ever existed. However, there is a "company" of nations that is even greater.
2018-07-01 12:13 am
Not while Trump is in it!!
2018-06-30 10:46 pm
2018-06-30 10:25 pm
It is! No other country like us have true freedom like we do. For example most people don't know that Canada doesn't have free speech. You can get arrested for saying the wrong things. Most countries don't have the economic potential we do.

There's a reason theres such thing as the "American Dream." People come here for the freedom to be and pursue what they want-- and they can! The biggest difference from our country compared to most others is choices -- our constitution gives everyone choices.

The fact that we can freely discuss and disagree with one another, and that our politicians are so diverse in thought shows how privileged we are to be American. Total moral freedom is a pretty new thing to our world, and i think most people forget that.

This is a quote that seems to ring pretty true for our current state:

"Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times."

America is the greatest country in the world.
2018-06-30 10:06 pm
2018-06-30 9:37 pm
i say yes
2018-06-30 6:57 pm
2018-06-30 2:46 pm
2018-06-30 2:41 pm
HITLER Was smarter ,he destroy the takeovers,simple he let the simple germans work
The magic of Hitler is simple,he learn from henry ford?
When usa became america?.
2018-06-30 2:03 pm
no one country is best
2018-06-30 1:05 pm
ENGLAND is my dear boy
2018-06-30 11:25 am
No comment
2018-06-30 11:19 am
2018-06-30 4:21 am
2018-06-30 2:52 am
It's only great if you look like Trump...fat, rich, old, fake Christian, lair and crazy
2018-06-30 1:58 am
greatest in what way? economy, yes, freedom? suppose so?
happiness? no, millitary? yes
Leadership? probably not
2018-06-29 11:50 pm
No, UK might be though.
2018-06-30 4:02 pm
2018-06-30 3:35 am
2018-06-29 12:11 pm
2018-06-29 11:51 am
Well we are free so that's something, but with Trump as our president...
2018-06-30 4:35 am
I live here, so that's your answer.

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