ASVAB Questions!!?

2018-06-29 3:32 am
So I'm taking the ASVAB soon and just really nervous about it. I bought the book ASVB for Dummies and have pretty much read over the whole book ,but I know that all of that information won't be on the test. So if anyone just took the test and can help narrow down the topics that I could study for that would be greatly appreciated! Or if you have any general advice about taking the test.

(Word knowledge I just don't know how to study for it really.Like I've been trying to remember prefixes and roots but I feel as if there are so many that the words on the test will be different. And for math this a subject I struggle with as well and need some tips. And then all the science topics and Mechanical Comprehension I just feel like I don't know enough about and won't do good on those portions.

回答 (7)

2018-06-29 5:16 am
As long as you half-way paid attention in school, you should be fine.
I sure as heck didn't (study). And I was no better than a C student in school. I was an avid reader, so I figured that helped me on the word associated portion of the asvab.

I didn't work to get into shape. I was a young, healthy 20 year old & I figured I could handle it.

x-paratrooper & 82nd Abn
2018-06-29 9:50 pm
You don't need to memorize the ENTIRE book, Skippy... Just the important parts. You can ignore the front and back covers, and probably the index too. The rest of the information in the book MAY be on the test, so you need to read it all.
2018-06-29 9:29 am
I bought the book ASVB for Dummies and have pretty much read over the whole book ,but I know that all of that information won't be on the test.
Congratulations. You just FAILED the aptitude test.
2018-06-29 5:26 am
nothing in that book will be on the test

its not a cheat book, its a study guide-- made to show you what kind of questions are ask on the test.
2018-07-22 1:24 pm
the ASVAB for Dummies is made up of disused questions from the exam. the questions you will see on the actual exam are very similar, and may only have a name change here or there (but could be completely different too). if you can master the asvab for dummies, you should be fine on the actual ASVAB
2018-06-30 2:25 am
nope just do your best is all anyone asks
2018-06-29 4:35 am

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