小弟家中的爭產案希望各位給予意見 嫲嫲與我父母同住,近年因精神欠佳,在父親的咨詢下把半層物業轉讓(另一半為她大兒子有),因為在1年多之前沒有就阿嫲病咗開始冇繳交租金收入給她。 現時對方想打官司, 控告我阿嫲因為精神狀況不佳,被教唆轉讓物業,同時話物業是佢一手供的(當時用聯名戶口)?

2018-06-24 5:48 pm
現時對方想打官司, 控告我阿嫲因為精神狀況不佳,被教唆轉讓物業,同時話物業是佢一手供的(當時用聯名戶口), 請問有沒有方法

回答 (1)

2018-06-26 7:35 pm
There is nothing you can do now.

1. Most litigation threats in Hong Kong do not usually end up in actual litigation.

2. Whoever suing has the burden to prove the case. In other word, if he claims his mother was incompetent, he will have to prove that. Also, if he claims he pays for the mortgage, he will have to prove that as well.

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