If you buy real Instagram followers, do they like your pictures?

2018-06-24 4:05 pm
I don't really want to buy any. I was just curious as to what the point is in buying your followers;

回答 (40)

2018-06-25 12:44 am
2018-06-24 8:33 pm
Probably not. People like your posts because they’re interested in what you post, buying followers is basically forcing people who may not have interest in your posts to follow you.
2018-06-27 6:30 am
Fakers. They think themselves worthless due to peer pressure, so feel the need to buy friendship.Probably all that is wrong with the world can be summed up by this question.

Sociologically speaking, it doesn't paint you all in a very good light.
2018-06-26 7:17 pm
why do people care? get a life!!
2018-06-26 3:45 pm
Is that ilegal?
2018-06-25 2:03 am
2018-06-24 4:08 pm
2020-04-02 10:04 am
Yes, but not all of them, some of them save it and that's all. 
2018-06-29 11:52 am
2018-06-29 6:07 am
2018-06-29 12:56 am
No. its spaming
2018-06-28 9:27 am
2018-06-27 10:54 pm
please stop... you are the source of **** retarded cancer posts that make Instagram a cringy group of feminists that think they are funny. I bet you post "funny pictures" and write in the description *laughing emoji* *laughing emoji**laughing emoji* *laughing emoji**laughing emoji**laughig emoji**laughing emoji**laughing emoji* "who did this" *laughing emoji**laughing emoji**laughing emoji**laughing emoji**laughing emoji**laughing emoji*
2018-06-27 6:27 am
2018-06-27 12:18 am
Most likely not. If you buy followers, about 95 % of them are spam accounts
2018-06-26 10:40 pm
Why would anyone do that, I don’t care if people follow me I never post pics but I use the service to follow others and see their pics
2018-06-26 10:17 pm
I guess they would but that’s kinda stupid you would have to pay for followers
2018-06-26 8:55 pm
2018-06-26 8:20 pm
No ... to be honest I’d be better off just growing your followers with interesting content constantly liking and commenting on pics etc
2018-06-26 4:24 pm
Probably not
2018-06-26 1:20 pm
No, i have no needed for it . because i am got already fame so my followers about 1 million . and thanks for it.
2018-06-26 11:50 am
instagram interesting things is that if you write something interesting and useful then people following you and more than person contact with you.
2018-06-26 7:33 am
Buy followers?? You shouldn't have to pay for legit followers, so maybe only a few...
2018-06-26 12:24 am
Not real ones
2018-06-25 8:30 pm
Nop, they don't like your photos
2018-06-25 7:53 pm
If followers belongs to marketing then it is ensure that they will like.
2018-06-25 6:57 pm
No they don’t, when you buy them, they are followers who have not been active for at least a month, meaning they’ve probably abandoned their account. You can also buy likes though, but trough experience it’s never a good idea to buy followers, wait for legit ones. Do story shoutouts with similar amount of followers as you and then work your way up. My instagram is @plutofizz and I’ve amounted to almost 30k legitimately. It takes patience and time, and that’s what you have to have to maanage an Instagram account
2018-06-25 4:53 pm
Buy followers that like your photos
2018-06-25 4:35 pm
Also, buying Instagram followers is cheap and easy to do, as you're about to ... Instagram automation can refer to the act of allowing a bot to like and ... At this point we decided to post a photo to see how engaged our followers were. ... Click-throughs and engagement (Likes and comments) are two big ones
2018-06-25 10:50 am
2018-06-25 9:19 am
You sound desperate
2018-06-25 9:00 am
2018-06-25 8:30 am
When you "buy followers" what's really happening is that a group of people in a click farm follows you. The only thing you'll notice is the number of followers you have, which could potentially encourage others into following you, too. It's the sheep mentality that most of us have, and click farms are exploiting it.

You can always tell if someone has purchased followers because the number of views and the amount of comments that they receive is extremely small. Ever see a YouTuber with 80,000 followers but only 80 views? That's a clear sign that the youtuber has purchased their followers. It's all fake.

So why do it all if everything is fake? Because it could encourage businesses into thinking you're a lot more popular than you really are. However, it's very simple to tell who has fake followers and who doesn't simply by the amount of comments and views.
2018-06-25 8:25 am
Yes you can!
2018-06-25 8:25 am
2018-06-25 3:16 am
2018-06-24 7:14 pm
Clearly buying followers of any sort is a purely financial exercise. They want money, and somebody is buying their favours, almost as a man buys the favours of a prostitute.
2018-06-24 5:48 pm
Yes but not that much
2018-06-24 4:21 pm
Post interesting, funny, or educational items and engage your followers with conversation and questions. That might spark them to be more involved.
2018-06-24 4:16 pm
For increasing followers on Instagram you must have to use hashtags in every post on Instagram then you get organic followers.
2018-06-24 4:10 pm
There are many agencies provide this, but you need to be sure about the followers are real and quick.
2018-06-24 4:09 pm
no they dont, and many end up unfollowing anyways
2018-06-25 7:36 am
2018-06-24 6:04 pm
None of these seem to be answering your question, so I'll just go ahead and post it:

People buy Instagram followers for the simple intent of having more followers. Some may like the photos, some may not, but those who are buying just want more followers.

Quantity ensures quality. Someone who has crap content may only have 1 - 10 followers or whatnot, meanwhile someone who is generally entertaining and interesting (or, let's be honest, shows a lot of skin), will have a ton more people following them.
Or, ya'know, people's undying need to always hop aboard the bandwagon. You see a lot of people interested in something? You need to be in on the trend!!!! All that BS.
2018-06-24 4:23 pm
Post a lot with hashtags and make sure your profile isn't set to private.

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