Is my anger still out of control or is my mother and her dog being overly dramatic?

2018-06-24 6:11 am
I share a house with my mother, and we kinda but heads all the time about my anger issues and how I express it. Granted, I used to be really bad about it, I even used to punch holes in walls out of anger. I’ve tamed it a little bit, but it seems now even when I get the slightest bit angry, my mother’s Chihuahua starts to shake, shiver, and cower in fear. My mother insists that I “fly off the handle” when angry, but really all I do is grouse and cuss under my breath. Do I still have an anger problem, or are my mom and her dog being overly dramatic? It just seems like I cannot express any emotion whatsoever, I feel like I have to be Buddha to live in my own home!

回答 (9)

2018-06-25 12:21 am
They are being dramatic but you also need to channelize your anger in a socially acceptable manner without internatizing it.
2018-06-24 11:08 am
You just need more down time. Been there.
2018-06-24 7:10 am
Its likely your anger is still out of control
You say its a little.Your facial expression and body
language may show otherwise.
The dog picks up vibes.
2018-06-27 6:42 am
Here s the thing. Call me biased but Chihuahua s are a one master dog. Everyone else is the devil to that dog. I really wouldn t base anything off that dog. Smaller dogs tend to shake and cower in fear regardless. The first thing is that you acknowledged that you had an anger problem. It does not go away overnight and to be honest it could take years to get it fully under control. However, you are trying. So your family (mom) needs to try as well. In my opinion she is over reacting. I would sit down and have a long talk again maybe even bring in a mediator to make sure you are both heard. You can always go to anger management and ask for tips or ask about your anger.
I hope this helps!
2018-06-25 8:05 pm
I think people can certainly be over-dramatic, or put on a show of some big reaction when it's not really called for, but a dog? If you're scaring the dog, that's probably legit. Dogs don't have guile. What you see is what you get - or in this case, what you are giving. So, for you, I'd recommend 1) accept that you're seriously angry, and 2) get rid of it! No need to walk around suffering from being enraged all the time. Try talking about it - maybe to a therapist. It's possible to offload all that anger over some time and return to a relatively peaceful life.
2018-06-24 10:54 pm
Your mom's dog is over dramatic? Maybe he should be in Hollywood. Your mom's upset therefore, the dog's upset. You might want to see a therapist to help you manage your anger issues.
2018-06-24 10:08 am
Buddah would be a great role model

Stick with what works for you?

Very best wishes


Source:) Study.
2018-06-24 6:14 am
If you are lashing out and getting other people upset, you are out of control. Get some counseling or you will find yourself alienated for just about everyone.
2018-06-24 8:10 am
If you feel you have to be Buddha or Christ even be Buddha or Christ!!!!
Which is better $1 or 1 million$$ ?
So, keep moving in the direction of the more desirable!! Peace

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