關於英文on the items?

2018-06-23 9:34 pm
If you want to get a refund on the items, please show us your receipt.
這句的翻譯 我的書上是寫:
我想要問的是"on the items"
這句話的意義是什麼 因為我從句子的翻譯裡 完全找不到這句的意義 就算我把它拿掉
If you want to get a refund, please show us your receipt.
再拿去google翻譯 他的中文翻譯也是
所以我不明白要如何解讀on the items
如果可以 能否用on the items造兩三句不同的句子 讓我能更理解它

回答 (2)

2018-06-24 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
on the items=Not on the time=a typo=Chinese way of translation of translate something from C/E giving the meaning written unclearly.
eg:-(1)A full refund or exchange for another similar one; with the receipt.
eg:-(2)Exchange for a gift voucher or product price 4/5 to be refunded; with the receipt.
eg:-(3)You have bought and return it(=on the item=money or goods) in Exchange Department Special with the receipt,(applied in usa only)
2018-06-23 9:42 pm
一般退貨退款是有一定時間, 像七天或十四天, 不是無限制, 那年那月想退再退, 所以on the time是指在期限時間內, 拿著你貨品和收據證明你是該店購買才能退。

寫書的是否華人? 真正店家寫法應不是如此。

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return the product and get a full refund or exchange the product for another one, be it similar or not. You can return a product for up to 30 days from the date you purchased it. ... Return a gift or Gift refunds.

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