Let’s talk about sex. I need help and edvice!?

2018-06-23 3:17 am
My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 11 months now and we have had sex many times but I find myself often faking orgasims with him. It’s very frustrating because I always get him off but I don’t. If I ever want to get off I usually just do it myself. I am the first girl he’s ever had sex with so I understood that he wouldn’t know but I’ve showed him and he tries but still doesn’t do it. What else can I do? How do I help him help me. I love him so I wouldn’t break up with him for this but it is just frustrating.

回答 (4)

2018-06-23 3:29 am
Stop faking and start giving him a clue what you like. Faking gives him false information, keeping him convinced he’s on the right track.
Communicate and he will learn.
2018-06-23 3:30 am
you need to let him know what you like and what you don't like, a lot of things like some specific positions and tempo, guide him you have to communicate with him what you like
2018-06-23 3:29 am
You have to stop faking. I do that a lot too and its annoying because he thinks hes doing so well when he’s really not. Just talk to him whether he’s giving you head like ohh I like it there or that’s it what will help you. And don’t rush it. Sometimes we just need a little more time. And you can always tell him to rub your clit while you’re having sex. That normally helps me because just stimulation doesn’t always work for me. Just be open and honest. He wont know you’re faking or what you want until you tell him
2018-06-23 3:22 am
I used to be the same with my boyfriend. I think that while he was doing his thing with me.. sometimes using my hand on myself helped me orgasm and it also made it sexy to show him that I wanted to touch and play with myself while he was doing his thing. He was into it so maybe it could work for you as well.

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