Is it bad that I believe in god but just don't care to worship him?

2018-06-21 1:55 pm

回答 (15)

2018-06-21 2:11 pm
"You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder." James 2:19
2018-06-21 2:01 pm
You should read the Bible often and keep faith in God
2018-06-22 2:20 am
God is not wanting you to worship him where do you get such idiotic nonsense have you never read the Bible? God doesn't want you to do anything for him he even told the Jews you can't serve me I'm God if I was hungry I can create food if I'm thirsty I can create something to drink. Friend God doesn't want you to serve and worship him he wants you to obey the instruction manual the instruction manual tells you how to help yourself and how to help others! Of your kind!

So yes friend it's very screwed up and stupid to know that there is a way to help yourself and other people and yet don't care to do it!
2018-06-21 7:28 pm
Bad for you, yes. It doesn't affect the rest of us.
2018-06-21 4:50 pm
Most people are in some stage of rebellion. The love of sin will do that! Relationships are scary, and a relationship with God is no less so. People don't want to feel obligated. It takes an act of faith to overcome the fear. Only by doing the thing that we are afraid of, do we discover that our fear was unwarranted.
2018-06-21 4:00 pm
In this life nothing much bad will happen to you. However, the afterlife is whole different story.
2018-06-21 3:58 pm
That is called non believer who claim to belief in HIM. or being Hypocrite
2018-06-21 3:26 pm
I'd say you don't yet understand.
2018-06-21 7:03 pm
No, it is not bad that you believe in god but just don't care to worship him, because, in the first place, god doesn’t exist, and, in the second place, if there is a god, he would not be so egotistical as to require anyone to worship him.

That lets the god of the Bible out of the running in both cases. The egotistical god of the Bible doesn’t exist.

So, the only thing bad in your case is that you believe in a god that doesn’t exist.
2018-06-21 2:05 pm
You might as well not believe in Him if your idea of 'god' makes worship of Him some kind of optional extra.
And those who do not believe in Him are a lost cause (spiritually speaking) unless they come to understanding, belief and worship.

'Bad' is too feeble a word to apply. 'Appalling' is what I would say, given that a mere creature, created by God, consider yourself superior to your Maker - shown by your indifference to just who the Creator is. I would suspect that you actually have no real idea of just who it was dying on a cross for your sins - your Maker - as the Bible shows in John chapter 1. Have you never read it?
2018-06-21 8:07 pm
It's bad for YOU because you need to be right with God in order to make it to heaven so you're actually allowing lethargy and the love of being your own god keep you from finding the true life through Jesus Christ
2018-06-21 3:57 pm
Not bad, perhaps just pointless.
2018-06-21 3:33 pm
Unfortunately it is because you're showing God you don't care much for him and that you want to rule your own life instead of having God run it for you, you'll experience a greater sense of happiness if you let God take control of your life.
2018-06-21 2:05 pm
as it all in people's imagination anyway, you can do whatever you like buttercup
2018-06-21 1:57 pm
That is one of the worst things I've ever heard. I mean, you believe in him? Why?

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