What are your thoughts on getting your education first then finding love?

2018-06-17 10:32 pm
I am graduating from the Occupational Therapy Assistant program December 2019 and am still currently single at 21. My mom keeps on telling me to get my education first and the rest will fall into place.

回答 (8)

2018-06-18 9:20 am
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Your mom is so smart. I love her. You should too.

Note that those who marry before age 25 have such high divorce rates they skew the entire database! Get your education, get your career going. You'll meet a better class of people as well as more interesting ones.
2018-06-19 9:49 am
You're mom knows what she's talking about ;) Please do focus on your education and studies first. There is so much competition out there for jobs, and if the applicant has a good GPA (grade point average) to include on one's resume, it may help him or her to be closer in line to getting the position.

With regard to OTA, if you haven't taken a "medical terminology" class, it's worth taking it as the info can help with reading patients' charts and overall basic knowledge. (My cousin had gone to school for OTA.) In addition, some had recommended that OTA students get CNA (certified nursing assistant) training as well. That may apparently help with helping patients with their ADLs (activities of daily living), including "patient transfers." You may have learned in school, too, that the biggest risk for "patient falls" in therapy is that the allied health worker (or personal caregiver) has the patient "stand up" from a wheelchair or seated position before he/she is ready. Please always listen to the patient :)
2018-06-18 10:05 am
Your mom is right.
I am in Kinesiology and gave thought to the OT or PT program .. despite having decided against it, could see
just how much one would have to dedicate to it in order to succeed also being only 21 you have your whole life
in front of you. Good luck in all areas ..
2018-06-17 10:46 pm
Know this - One of the complaints of Liberals is that kids who are successful come from families who are successful, and people do tend to select mates from a similar socioeconomic background.
2018-06-18 1:15 am
That's a good plan, particularly if you can't juggle the demands of your schooling with the demands of a relationship. Going out is easy. Being in a real relationship take time, effort, and emotional investment -- all of which can distract you from your coursework and becoming established in a job. At 21, you are still really young to be focused on getting married.

Most people don't marry their high school or even college sweethearts. Most people at 20 or 25 don't really even know who they are or want to be. Find yourself, finishing your schooling. Love will find you.
2018-06-18 1:10 am
You have a wise mother.
Once you become involved in a romantic entanglement, it is much more difficult to focus on academics, and it's not worth the risk.
The more you have to offer a potential match, the better caliber match you will attract. Think of it this way: while you are developing your skills and making the most of your academic potential, somebody out there is also doing that. THOSE are the people you want to attract, so give them time to get their lives together, too.
Good luck.
2018-06-18 12:28 am
I'm in agreement with your Mom. Date away as you wish. Keep in mind that the choice of SPOUSE a person would make at 24+ is often very different than the one they chose at an earlier age.
2018-06-17 10:42 pm
that's a good plan, but life has a way of throwing a monkey wrench into the best laid plans. if you fall in love along the way, just balance both and finish your education just in case the "love" doesn't work out.

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