I put my apartment number on address line 1?

2018-06-17 9:59 pm
I put my apartment number in address line one like this: (the number of the building / (the number of the apartment) for example like this: 45/12. Will everything be okay?

回答 (5)

2018-06-17 11:03 pm
That is not the proper way. The proper way is...

45 Any Street, Apt. 12
Any town, NY. 12121
2018-06-17 11:00 pm
Putting the apartment number after the street address on the same line is considered proper.
For more details, see the address standards on the USPS website.
2018-06-19 10:38 am
put apt xyz
2018-06-18 8:51 pm
Should be fine.
2018-06-17 10:27 pm
Pretty sure that's mail fraud. Expect to spend 30 days in jail.

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