I have really bad memory and concentration! Is it possible to train myself to become the opposite?

2018-06-17 5:25 pm

回答 (5)

2018-06-17 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Of course it is. Practise memory and concentration.
2018-06-17 11:45 pm
One of the most important things for memory, whether it's memory for a skill or memory for facts from a book, is practice. The more you practice the skill, the better your memory for it will be, and prolonged practice with a flash card drill will improve your memory of facts. The flash card drill is a great memory tool because of its efficiency - you don't keep practicing with things you already know. Psychologists talk about "overlearning" which is practice more than is necessary for the task at hand, such as the next exam, so that the learner remembers far into the future, like after the student graduates.

In remembering facts, organization is very important. Organize information from a book or lecture into outline form, and make the outlines detailed, with phrases, short sentences, and short paragraphs. This not only helps you memorize, it creates structures in your mind so that in the future, new information will be organized, like in a library.

Keep a To Do list.

Although writing down things is helpful, you don't always have time to write things down, but you can make a simple reminder for yourself in a second by putting something someplace. Example - remind yourself to pay a bill by putting it in front of the front door. Remind yourself to write a letter by putting a pen some place you'll notice it, like on your coffee mug. I call these things physical mnemonic devices.

Examples of mnemonic devices

You want to remember a list of topics you'll talk about in a speech you're going to give. Take the first letter of the words for each topic and make a sentence out of them.

You want to remember the number 352. Think "trees with nifty tools." Silly things are easier to remember.

Find something that rhymes with somebody's name to remember his name. Again, keep it silly.

Take care of yourself mentally and physically with a health lifestyle. The answer below has lifestyle advice.

The answer mentions resources for learning mindfulness. An experiment showed that students improved their concentration with a 2-week mindfulness course.

The catch - you'll probably have to keep practicing mindfulness if you want to maintain the skill you gain.


If you have trouble remembering what people say, here's an exercise.

Listen to 30 seconds of a lecture on YouTube, then write down what was said. Listen again and see how many facts you got.

Keep doing this exercise and see if you can improve your score.
2018-06-17 11:11 pm
first u need to go back to neutral, before going to anywhere else
2018-06-17 8:38 pm
Reading, word puzzles and concentration exercises are all good tools to improve your memory and concentration. Also, pay attention to your sleep habits, engage in physical activity, keep your stress levels low, laugh and eat nutritionally sound food.
2018-06-17 6:16 pm
yes it is if u focus on it

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