I troll: is it morally wrong?

2018-06-17 9:42 am
I confess that I love trolling. The reason I do it is because I write stories, and I like to see people's reactions to the situations I create -- mostly non-controversial, "slice of life" situations like someone fighting with their friends, falling in love, feeling insecure... People give very different advice and it helps me have points of view I never would have come up with alone for my stories.

However I notice people hate trolls, and sometimes I wonder if it's wrong of me to make people answer a fictional situation as if it were real life, because occasionally a person will really pour his/her soul into an answer and in reality, well... it's all made up.

What's your opinion?

p.s: and what if this post was a troll? ;^)

回答 (7)

2018-06-21 11:54 pm
Not necessarily wrong, just annoying af.
2018-06-18 2:24 am
Having a little fun is okay but you need to be careful wit that because you dont know what is going on in other person's life and your joke maybe taken seriously and personally and you may really offend them. Troll those who know very well
2018-06-17 10:45 pm
It's not trolling if you represent it as a "what if". But if you represent it as real, then yes of course - it is lying - which is about as immoral as it gets.
2018-06-17 9:50 am
People come on here to help others, get help, etc. You thinking it is all about you is WRONG and extremely selfish!
2018-06-17 9:46 am
No. Trolling is as old as society itself.
2018-06-17 9:44 am
Morally wrong? funny thats the same thing your mom was wondering when she finally found out exactly which of her 20 daddies convinced you.
2018-06-17 10:55 am
No Sir, Mam,

As of Harmony Day 21st March everyone

Belongs, even trolls, so welcome.

Very best wishes


Source:) Study.

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