Can I remove my SD card without deleting my apps?

2018-06-17 7:23 am
I have several games downloaded on my MicroSD card on my Samsung A5. If I remove my SD card, will the apps still be there when I put the card back in?

回答 (6)

2018-06-17 7:55 am
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Of course they will be there. They will disappear from the phone's home screen when you remove the card, but as soon as you put it back in, the apps should reappear.
2018-06-17 8:55 am
It all depends on where your app's storage was; if it was on SD card, then they are all safe unless the SD is corrupt but if not then those apps are on your internal memory card which is also safe. So in conclusion, your apps cannot be deleted after removing the SD card. Hope I help, but you can always check the below blog for tips. Cheers!
2018-06-20 2:26 pm
2018-06-17 9:25 am
Yes, they should still be there. Just remember to unmount the sd card first in settings.
EDIT: I don't think this works if you are trying to transfer the apps to another phone
2018-06-17 8:27 am
Yes they will be there yet
2018-06-17 7:31 am
They should be when you put the card back in.
2018-06-17 7:26 am

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