considering pay was almost the same... would you rather become a police officer or a correctional officer?

2018-06-16 5:18 am
explain your reasoning

回答 (5)

2018-06-18 3:12 am
They bow down to the inmates in prison. They could beat an officer to death and all they'd have to do is lay down and you can't touch them. I would prefer to see them get jerked up off the floor and their *** whipped.
2018-06-16 6:29 am
If I was competent Police Officer. They deal with the public in general including protecting and serving the general public. They also have a diverse set of duties.
2018-06-16 5:56 am
a PO is more dangerous than a CO
2018-06-16 5:23 am
Police officer, hands down. Do I want to spend half my waking life in prison? No. I'd rather drive around in the open air giving people speeding tickets between my pit stops at Dunkin' Donuts.
2018-06-16 9:21 am
NO, because I don't have the personality for either.

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