How do I do a presentation in front of the class when someone in that class hates me?

2018-06-16 2:32 am
next week, I have to do a presentation in front of the class in my English lesson. recently a guy in my class has been spreading crude rumours about me round school. he makes me feel extremely uncomfortable by purposely smiling/waving at me then making it clear that he s talking about me to others. he s very pathetic and hooks up onto any sort of gossip to make himself look more interesting. having to do a presentation in front of him is making my anxiety really bad. what do I do?

回答 (11)

2018-06-16 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Does the idea of taking back power work for you? He wants you to crumble like you are. He gets sick pleasure by messing with your calm. He doesn't deserve it, but so far he has gotten away with it. One option you have is to not let it work. See him as an insignificant gnat that will not challenge the walls of your being. Let him wave his silly little arms, and flap his useless gums all he wants, because that childish behavior won't prevent you from living your life. You can take your power back, but not playing victim to his power trip. Pity him that his life must be so small and scary that he needs to puff himself up by putting others down, but treat his existence with apathy. He is irrelevant, don't give him the satisfaction of believing otherwise. When you give your presentation, and his powers of torment did nothing to prevent it, you gain a bit of your power back. When he wastes his time and energy trying to tear at your walls of self esteem, and you simply stand resolute regardless, you are the one with power. He is a drama tornado, don't get sucked in; you do you instead.
2018-06-16 2:37 am
The audience is of no value, unless armed with rotten vegetables and eggs.
You are not presenting "For" them, They are a Captive Audience, they do not want to be there either, and certainly do not want to have to hear anyone "present" anything to them.
You Are There ONLY to make a show for the Teacher.
Your business is to show the teacher that you can do a presentation. (For the Teacher.)

When you are being "bullied" or stalked, it is your duty to inform the Vice Principal and Guidance officer of the problem. It is Their Job to sort these matters out.
2018-06-18 11:41 pm
Were he to be knocked out, say by a blackjack in the bathroom for instance, prior to your presentation, it should not be a problem.
2018-06-16 2:39 am
okay hun, we have a few different routes we can go down with this one.
1. take a sicky day off
2. change the topic of the presentation to all about why you hate him and then include some false rumours
3. Take 1 vodka shot before presentation to loosen up
2018-06-20 7:31 am
try wearing a black mask like "el zorro", then stride bravely to the front of the class, whipping out your sword-paperwork, and reading with a flourish your work to the class. after all, they all came to hear you and not your seated compadre.
參考: beer
2018-06-16 5:57 pm
Grow a pair, man up and survive.
2018-06-16 2:35 am
Ignore them.
2018-06-16 5:15 am
The same way everyone does presentations, because chances are someone somewhere in that audience does not like you. Quit being a baby.
2018-06-16 2:39 am
Pretend like he's not there, or every time he waves or gestures at you count it as "points" and see how many you get.
2018-06-16 2:37 am
Wrap your mind around the fact that you are not the only human being in your class who knows all these things about this fellow. His torment of you has not gone over the head of your classmates. While they might be mildly entertained by it.. they are also turned off by it. His low character does not bring down your own.
2018-06-16 2:39 am
People on TV or in movies do performances, (make presentations) with out any clue who or what the audience is. Your worry is about what you are doing and saying . This fellow is of no consequence. And you have not given any evidence that anyone in class believes him or takes him seriously or anything.

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