Get stomach / esophagus pain after eating ?

2018-06-13 4:46 pm
This is been happening for years now and Idk what it is. It's hard to explain to doctors so I've never really been diagnosed or given a right answer. For the most part it would happen after I eat potatoes or hamburgers. And then the pain is just awful in my esophagus I think for like 6 or more hours. Can't lay down or sit right the pain never goes away. The pain is like right in-between both of my ribs. Right under the bone. And now I also get a stomach pain, kind of feels like cramping also lasts hours on end and nothing helps. My posture also gets messed up. I can't stand up straight. One time it was so bad I couldn't stand up straight or breathe, barely made it to the kitchen in time to get water felt like something inside me was blocked. Wtf is this???? I've googled everything and honestly don't know what it is..about to stop eating meat and potatoes honestly this is awful

回答 (3)

2018-06-13 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You have Acid Reflux as I have. You need to take an acid reducer such as Nexium and stop eating fatty and spicy foods.
2018-06-13 6:02 pm
I am surprised they didn't suggest acid reflux? Or maybe they did but the meds didn't work/ You may need a proton pump inhibitor like Nexium. Worth a try.I am kind of wondering about an esophageal spasm --look it up and see if the symptoms match. That has worse pain as the muscles go into spasms
2018-06-13 4:57 pm
Try an antacid like Tums.

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