why can't atheists and religious people agree to disagree?

2018-06-10 9:11 am
there's no need to get worked up or offensive. it's only a difference of opinion. people do it all the time. why the aggression ?

回答 (21)

2018-06-10 4:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Very good point, l guess to agree to disagree

One would have to hear both stories and

Maintain respect too!

Very best wishes


Source:) Study.
2018-06-10 9:26 am
Tell you what--you agree to disagree, and I'll agree to impose whatever changes in civic government and public education I like, whether you agree or not, as long as they match my religious beliefs. Does that sound like a fair shake to you?
2018-06-10 9:14 am
Because when religion seeks to interject itself into government, education, and law it can't be just agree to disagree.
2018-06-10 9:49 am
If it was a level playing field, I would but as religion tries to impose itself on me and others through the education system, the law and government, I won't agree to anything but will fight them all the way.
2018-06-11 6:31 am
Well, I'm an atheist, and to tell you the truth, I'm not all that exercised about what anyone else believes. However, religious people in my own community:

-Harass, exclude and insult atheists an members of other minorities.
-Try to force religion into public education.
-Try to interfere with science education.
-Try to prevent people from marrying based on their religion.
-Interfere with women's reproductive rights.

And I can't "agree to disagree" on those things.
2018-06-11 2:45 am
Because both sides go and tell their personal beliefs.
When I meet someone that's the last thing on my mind.
2018-06-10 1:44 pm
Atheists usually learn how to debate from their role models like richard dawkins, the Amazing Atheist, and other people who contribute nothing to society besides being very opinionated
2018-06-10 9:45 am
I have no issue with what others chose to believe. I simply wish they would understand that I do not have the need to believe.
2018-06-10 9:15 am
IRL I have a priest, a vicar, and a rabbi as regular drinking buddies (for want of a better way of putting it). We're all aware of the obvious jokes.
2018-06-10 10:07 am
Because Christians don't want to. Christians want to force their delusions on everyone including government legislation and public education. Christians are the ones spreading hate for all atheists and other non-Christians. Freedom of religion doesn't mean you get to impose your religion on everyone, or that people have to agree with you. Christians have the right to express their cult beliefs and I have the right to make fun of their nonsense.
2018-06-10 10:01 am
All we ask is keep religion out of the laws....
2018-06-10 9:43 am
Because the theist is commanded by his imagination to convert the heathen masses. If this weren't the case, the issue wouldn't exist.
2018-06-10 9:30 am
This question only applies on here or other sites where dumb kids post nonsense to get some sort of reaction.
Religion is one of their favorites. Ohhh, be controversial


Scratches 4r5e.
2018-06-10 9:13 am
This life is only a dream ,anyway.

I'd rather be happy than right
2018-06-11 10:37 am
I would certainly agree with yu, were it not for the fact that some religious folks think their beliefs justify their enforcing their rules upon the rest of us, without regard to our wish, or to reason, or indeed, to science. I do not care at all what some fool chooses to believe. I only care when the fool tries to force me to behave as if I believe their silly stories.
2018-06-11 1:51 am
I agree with you completely on everything you said, except for one thing: For many atheists and people who are religious, this is more than just a question of opinion.

Atheists for example would get frustrated because they believe this is an issue of scientific fact: You cannot prove scientifically that God exists, so they conclude God does not exist. That's not a sound argument from a philosophical perspective of course, but the important point is they believe something must be physical and measurable in order to exist. So religion to them seems like absurdity, even dangerous, not a simple different in opinion.

From a religious point of view, if you are a sincere follower of a particular faith, it is hardly a matter of opinion: What you believe, to you, is a matter of Truth with a capital T. You believe this is the correct way to view life. I wouldn't be surprised if some religious are more flexible, but regardless their religion affects the way they perceive the world and the way they behave towards themselves and others. Not all religions seek to get other people to also embrace the belief, but even if they don't, what they believe is still a matter of importance in their lives, affecting both small and bigger decisions they make.

So yes, people debating should not be hostile, and ultimately agreeing to disagree is needed at times, but do bear in mind that this issue is more than just a matter of opinion for both parties involved.
2018-06-10 7:16 pm
Aha - GREAT question. Why indeed? We may disagree on what breed of dog that is, but it doesn't lead to passionate confrontation. So why does religion? Or certain other topics? People fight far more savagely to defend something they shouldn't have in the first place. No one is honestly entitled to the comfort of religion, and they know it deep inside. It's unproven, illogical, and a "cheat" to tell yourself "Oh I am protected by God". It is irritating to people who see through that and resent the fraudulent comfort those people give themselves. And it is irritating to those who desperately want to believe it and have it challenged. We may in fact BE protected from God, but we don't know squat - not fact one - about God or why we're here or any of that. We are all, if we're honest, as bewildered and scared as a squirrel who sees danger with every movement around it. What we should do, imo, is come together and comfort each other in our lack of knowing. It isn't a "fight" between believers and non-believers, it's our common lot to WISH we knew and to be scared because we don't. We just don't know (agnostic). I don't know why we can't all just agree to that common, lousy, truth, and support each other in that.
2018-06-10 4:57 pm
Because that would make both sides Agnostic.. which neither are...
2018-06-10 12:52 pm
Neither atheists nor religious people should be judged by mirror-barking on the Internet.
2018-06-10 10:23 am
My religious friends and I respect each other's opinions by not discussing it.
2018-06-10 10:00 am
The problem is, what are you if not a child of God? A child of nature? That is OK with me. Some may want more. But for me? I am good with whatever you consider yourself to be. I hope that won't keep you from talking to me and sharing with me this wonderful country that allows us to be what and who we are even if others don't like it.

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