How to deal with a psycho co worker ?

2018-06-10 3:33 am
I was working a job a while back and a lady there hated my guts. she would frequently say things like " what are you doing !!?? " or "you have ALOT to learn! " or " am I making you uncomfortable yet ?!"

I didn't think she was serious so i would laugh and joke with her but she'd always give me this angry look , like what i said threw her off because she wanted to upset me...

later I found out she was talking negatively about me to co workers in the office . I felt kind of bad for her because she's one of those over weight call center blonde stereotypes and i thought maybe she hated me because I was in shape and better looking (not trying to toot my own horn)

eventually she started saying things to my supervisor and would always report me whenever i needed help . i was still in training so i was obviously still learning.

I was not offended by anything but it did concern me and I thought "what is a person supposed to do in this kind of situation??? she's my boss so obviously i can't say anything , and she's been here longer than i have" ...

I ended up leaving that job for a higher paying job but I still think about it sometimes and wonder why she hated me so much

回答 (3)

2018-06-10 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sometimes people will hate you if you do the job better than they do or if you work too fast or too well compared with them. Jealousy is a terrible thing.
2018-06-10 4:30 am
Jesus that is in the past, forget about it.
2018-06-10 3:39 am
It could be that you reminded her (subconsciously even) of someone in her past who was unkind or even abusive. Or maybe you made a remark that upset her at some point - we all do such things!

People who are feeling confident and secure and have self respect don't feel a need to call people names, criticise, bully, shout, etc.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:03:32
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