國外訂單缺件的英文翻譯 請幫我翻譯以下成英文,感激不盡. 我總共有2筆訂單,5/29的訂單4支手錶與手套2件,只收到手套,沒有手錶. 6/3的訂單4支手錶,只收到1支,請補出貨.謝謝?

2018-06-10 3:04 am

回答 (1)

2018-06-10 11:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Though an oversea order being placed but unable to deliver due to shortage of supply. I had placed two orders which were done on May 29th with four watches and two gloves while on June 3rd with four watches; but right now, the former, only two gloves received while that of the latter only one watch. Owing to these, would you be kind enough to reimburse them to me. Thanks Yip

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