Are you allowed to tell a doctor you don’t feel comfortable with an exam?

2018-06-08 6:43 am
So I’m due for some sort of immunization shots soon. I haven’t been to the doctor in about 3-4 years because I honestly never get sick. I’ve never had a sickness that lasted more than a few hours, even as a baby and toddler. My parents just think it’s silly to pay so much money for them to tell us I’m perfectly healthy. Now I’m not going to argue with my mother about going to the doctor, even though I feel it’s completely unnecessary. But last time I was there the doctor decided to feel between my legs and my chest. At the time I didn’t have anything to feel weird about expect for the between the legs thing but I’ve..matured since then. If they try to do anything this time I plan on simply saying I’m not comfortable but I’d like to have something to support me if they try to force me. Some sort of law that allows me the ability to say no to those kind of exams. My doctor is known to be very rude and unkind when it comes to not following her directions, when I was 4 she locked be in a room because I struggled during a shot. So does a law exist that can help me in this situation?

回答 (5)

2018-06-08 8:38 pm
You can say whatever you want. You could also have early signs of a serious disease of the genitals, perhaps leading to sterility or even death. But it's your body, if you want to be sick, infected, and in pain.

On the other hand ... are you a minor? Then it's not completely your body. Your parents have a legal duty of medial care for you, including doctors exams. Parents have been jailed for not taking care of their kids.
2018-06-08 8:02 pm
You're allowed to tell a doctor anything you want. If there is a part of the exam with which you're not comfortable, that would be weird, but I assume the doctor will comply.
2018-06-08 1:39 pm
You can tell a mechanic he can't look under the hood also.
You just can't get your car fixed that way.
2018-06-08 9:57 pm
A nurse or someone else should be present. You never have to submit to anything.
2018-06-09 8:58 am
Fake post.
2018-06-08 6:48 am
If someone touches you when you've told them not to, it's assault whether they are a doctor or not.

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