Does anybody else agree: Yahoo Answers is almost officially dead?

2018-06-06 7:35 pm

回答 (34)

2018-06-06 7:40 pm
Agree. This site is a shell of its former self. I still come on sometimes out of habit, but it's not as active or fun as it used to be.
2018-06-06 7:46 pm
it has big issues i agree
2018-06-06 7:39 pm
2018-06-06 8:25 pm
It is hanging on by a thread That is what happens when it is left to the users to moderate the site.
2018-06-07 11:02 am
It’s not like before unfortunately! I agree with you.
2018-06-07 1:16 am
sadly but true, this website started to go downhill sometime around 2013 or so.
2018-06-06 8:17 pm
Its not quite dead, but it has been circling the drain for a few months now. There was hope Verizon would put some effort into fixing this site, but it seems pretty obvious to me that they don't care, because nothing has changed and nothing is being done about the glitches, or the trolls for that matter.
2018-06-06 7:37 pm
No. It's just transitioning.
2018-06-07 8:31 am
2018-06-07 5:26 am s totally different to what it was a few years ago...
2018-06-06 10:31 pm
No. Why? There re lots of people still. As soon as yahoo eliminates the possibility of level 7 participants to move questions around it will be fine again
參考: I m level 7, i have been here forever. I never move questions or report people. U all should be like me
2018-06-06 8:39 pm
For sure👀**
2018-06-07 8:59 am
i dont think so, i think its very much alive, i love yahoo answers, i wouldnt be on here if i didnt
2018-06-06 8:53 pm
Yeah all that is left are bullies and racists or sex offenders
2018-06-08 5:33 am
Yes, all that's left to do is pull the servers.
But there are advertising commitments to fulfill yet.
2018-06-07 10:57 pm
Yo. yeah I do think so actually! because it is much more boring, glitchey, users gone and random weird accounts, lots of anons an spammers and rude users running amoke oh and stupid layout thats difficult to work..

I dislike it a lot..ore than I used to so I really don't come on here that often anyore.
2018-06-07 4:11 pm
That's because Yahoo itself is almost dead.
2018-06-07 7:21 am
2018-06-07 12:46 am
Its getting there
2018-06-06 7:39 pm
Not yet
2018-06-07 4:01 pm
2018-06-06 7:36 pm
2018-06-06 9:11 pm
Yes, I would agree with that my friend.
2018-06-08 5:35 am
2018-06-08 3:11 am
NOWAY yahoo answer is king!
2018-06-07 10:46 pm
Nobody I know, L. We're still living the dream here.
2018-06-07 1:33 pm
Seems ok to me
2018-06-07 8:05 am
2018-06-07 12:58 pm
2018-06-10 10:59 pm
I love this site. I can insult the whole world, all races, creeds, religions, the military, the police, the disabled, the senior citizens, fatties, etc.... Where else can a person do this?
2018-06-09 3:56 am
Not quite. But I don't know why it REQUIRES every new account to give the phone number, like, seriously?
2018-06-08 9:25 pm
I wouldn't know what it was like before, if it's dying I will continue to visit occasionally until it's officially dead.
2018-06-08 1:37 pm
It died when the green format was discontinued
2018-06-08 7:10 am

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