Is there a bus from LA to CHINA?

2018-06-05 1:01 pm
I have to please tell me so I can go.

回答 (13)

2018-06-05 1:05 pm
Well you could get on an Airbus.
2019-09-21 10:03 pm
No, because there wasn’t any bridges connecting North America and Asia. However, there are plans to build a bridge connecting the two continents. Then you can travel to China by bus if a company decides to open a route that far. The route would be: LA>Canada>Alaska>Russia>China, it would take at least 10 days to complete the journey.
2018-07-30 8:28 am
Here are the directions for traveling from LA to CHINA by bus:

1. Take Beijing Busline Service
2. You will travel from LA to SAN FRANCISCO
3. You will reach CANADA
4. Alaska will be your next stop
5. A huge division of sea and land will be your next stop

Good luck
參考: Planet Earth
2018-07-12 1:57 pm
Maybe Chinatown.
China is across the Pacific, you can't get there by bus. Do you want me to get more pacific?
2018-06-14 4:37 am
No .
2018-06-06 11:41 am
No, because LA is in the North America and China is in Asia. There is an ocean in between. Buses can't cross oceans.
2018-06-05 7:10 pm
Busses have trouble crossing the Pacific Ocean.
2018-06-05 1:04 pm
No. LA and China are an ocean apart, so you would have to go by plane or boat.
2018-06-23 4:22 am
You must know no...please tell me the question purpose?
2018-06-10 2:04 pm
yes there is
2018-06-07 9:14 am
Just take the elevator. Press "down".
2018-06-05 1:13 pm
Yes but the fare is a billion trillion dollars.
2018-06-05 1:10 pm
Yes. It leaves from the Kingdom of Magic at Disneyland.

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