2018-06-01 12:04 am

回答 (7)

2018-06-01 12:12 am
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How to Behave as a Princess

Improve your grammar....
Improve your posture....
Make yourself smarter....
Work on being a kinder human being....
Practice your humility....
2018-06-01 12:05 am
Marry a prince.
2018-06-01 12:06 am
Have a king for a father.
2018-06-01 3:39 am
dance like a little girl, go see disney cinedrella movies belle movies ariel movies rapunzel movies
2018-06-01 3:30 am
marry a prince
2018-06-01 12:11 am
Put a tiara on and wave to everybody.
2018-06-01 12:10 am
There are a few ways to become a princess. One is to marry a prince and assume his titles and styles.

A female may be born a princess, the child of a king and queen, prince and princess.
A female may be bestowed a princess in her own right... something very rare and if done is because the woman was the wife of a prince and carried out her royal duties extremely well.

It is only a female who is born or is bestowed a princess in her own right who may correctly use the title "Princess" with her own given name. A woman who assumes her husband's titles uses the title "Princess" with her husband's given name.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:52:25
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