Do you believe in destiny? Why? Or why not?

2018-05-30 4:30 pm
Tell me your experiences.

回答 (8)

2018-05-30 4:44 pm
Your question is too ambiguous to ellict an exact answer. When I was born, I was destined to go to the same school that my elder brother attended, because it was the nearest school to where I lived. However, that school might have burned down, or have been closed, or my family might have moved away. Yet, one element of destiny is quite immovable, when I was born, my destiny was that, one day I would die.
2018-05-31 11:40 am
No I don't. If destiny was indeed real, that would mean we have no control over our lives.
2018-05-30 4:50 pm
I know a Destiny, and yes I do believe she exists.
2018-05-31 4:37 pm
Generally no. A few things must happen, such as Jesus dying on the cross. Others are penciled in but can be erased, such as God planning to destroy Nineveh until Jonah reluctantly preached to them. Most things are open to being affected by people's decisions; I suspect that this can look like destiny because people can influence things spiritually.

Why? God said so in a word of prophecy. You'll have to ask Him to verify this for you.
2018-05-31 12:23 pm
While I believe in God's universal purpose for mankind as a whole, I do not believe that each individual is bond by a specific predetermined destiny. "Consider how Jehovah God made us. “In God’s image he created [man]; male and female he created them,” states the Bible. (Genesis 1:27) Made in God’s likeness, we have the ability to reflect his qualities, such as love, justice, wisdom, and power. God has also given us the gift of free will, or freedom of choice. This makes us unique among his earthly creation. We can choose whether we will follow God’s moral guidance or not. That is why the prophet Moses could say: “I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him.”​—Deuteronomy 30:19, 20."

So, rather than feel captive to a plan outside of my control, I feel empowered to choose for myself what type of person I will be and what type of future I will build!
2018-05-31 7:49 pm
No. That would mean we have no control over our lives.
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian
2018-05-30 10:51 pm
I believe that only some things are destined - but we are to choose our reactions to our circumstances - we have the free will to choose to be positive or negative about our circumstances.

“As the time approaches for rebirth, we go to a space where a number of bodies are reviewed that might meet our goals. We have a chance to look into the future here and actually test out different bodies before making a choice.

SOULS VOLUNTARILY SELECT LESS THAN PERFECT BODIES AND DIFFICULT LIVES TO ADDRESS KARMIC DEBTS OR TO WORK ON DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF A LESSON they have had trouble with in the past. Most souls accept the bodies offered to them in the selection room but a soul can reject what is offered and even delay reincarnating.

Then, too, a soul might ask to go to a physical planet other than earth for awhile. If we accept the new assignment, we are often sent to a preparation class. Souls join their assigned hosts in the womb of the baby's mother sometime after the third month of pregnancy so they will have a sufficiently evolved brain to work with before term.

As part of the fetal state they are still able to think as immortal souls while they get used to brain circuitry and the alter ego of their host. After birth, an amnesiac memory block sets in and souls meld their immortal character with the temporary human mind to produce a combination of traits for a new personality.”

Destiny of Souls – Michael Newton
{Information received from the past-life regressions of thousands of people.}
2018-05-30 4:38 pm
No i don't.
Y? Because i acknowledge responsibility for my own fùck ups in life, u like Christians who believe in predestination/fate/gods will..etc whatever u wanna call it in ur particular denomination.

It took me time to be able to acknowledge that my fk ups are my fault, but I eventually got here.

What experiences?
2018-05-30 4:41 pm
we are all bound by our own karma and that of the family and groups we came back into so not much can be changed unless you are an evolved soul. read more in esoteric traditions.amen and Om shantih

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