Has there ever been a c4 explosion that can go silent?

2018-05-30 2:31 pm

回答 (7)

2018-06-02 7:47 am
Not unless you detonate it in a complete vacuum, such as outer space.
2018-06-20 6:43 am
Yeah so Hi..um, what exactly did you have in mind? Also, what's your name and location?
2018-06-04 10:21 pm
It seems that you cannot. Unless something, somehow, sucks up the sound... you cannot.

But considering this is in the Video Games section, I'm also gonna answer in a video game sense...
You can, if there happens to be an item that is that way, the C4 happens to not have a sound file or if the game glitches.

You're probably talking about in the real-life sense but, whatever!
2018-06-02 1:28 am
Is this one of those existential questions? I guess, much like a tree falling in the woods... if no one is around to hear the explosion, it doesn't make a sound.
2018-06-01 11:11 pm
I don´t think so.
C4 explosions can do a big sound.
2018-05-30 10:30 pm
The technical definition of explosion is: a violent expansion in which energy is transmitted outward as a shock wave.

Sound is caused by the movement of air, which an air born shock wave is by definition.

It is possible to muffle a c4 explosion, but it is almost impossible to make one completely silent.
2018-05-30 5:47 pm
No. THere has NEVER been a silent explosion.
2018-05-30 4:14 pm
Silent? Sound is nothing but vibration. An explosion is extreme vibration. It can be muffled but not made silent.
2018-05-30 3:59 pm
Possibly not
2018-05-30 3:06 pm
I am not certain, but I believe that c4 cannot be silent. However, freeway sound can be reduced by picking up the sound with a microphone then rebroadcasting it 180 degrees out of phase with freeway sound. This is called negative sound. Most freeway (and C4) sound is produced by the fundamental (aka first harmonic). Higher order harmonics are attenuated (reduced) due to absorption in matter. There is also a method used to reduce random noise called "dithering." Dithering is the addition of more noise. The idea is that as random noise is rising, some added random noise is falling. The PDF (probability density function) of the random noise convolves with the PDF of the dither, thus reducing the amplitude of the noise and spreading the noise throughout the entire frequency spectrum. Rectangular PDF is the most effective at removing noise. Most noises in nature have Gaussian PDFs. There is also a technique called Large Scale Dithering (LSD) in which huge random dither noise is added to a noisy signal, then the large dither noise is later subtracted. If you need to produce triangular PDF noise, you can merely convolve two RPDF (Rectangular PDF) dither noises. The advantage of dither to remove noise is that it doesn't harm the signal. It is a good idea to remove noise outside of the frequency of interest using a bandpass filter (to remove the low and high noise that is too low in frequency to hear or too high in frequency to hear), then apply dither (which will then spread the noise throughout the frequency band, then you can remove it with filters again).

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