Should I phone my friend first?

2018-05-30 8:04 am
I was hanging out with my friend today for an hour before she went to work. I told her to hit me up when she is done so we can chill afterwards. she had work from 2-6ish. It's like 11:30 pm now. should i phone her? i am so bored at home with nothing else to do.

回答 (5)

2018-05-30 4:17 pm
Possibly not
2018-05-30 11:14 am
Why not! You can call her.
2018-05-30 9:56 am
If you're not creative enough to find something to do.
You'll probably be too boring for her to talk to you.
Maybe you should let it rest for the night?
2018-05-30 8:27 am
Dude, it's 7:26 pm here in the Midwest, where are you located that it's almost midnight?
2018-05-30 8:10 am
No, leave her alone, if she wants to talk to you she will call.
2018-05-30 8:08 am

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