回答 (1)
The process can be complicated.
In short - you must prove that the previous owner/agent was aware of the problem(s) and failed to disclose the issue problem(s) properly. If the problem(s) exist before you become the owner, usually the complains against the property or the complainant should be able to substantiate the material misrepresentation.
Also - the remedy you are seeking can impact how complicated the proceeding can be.
It may be best you discuss your issues with a lawyer.
1. The lawyer finalizing the transaction for you is known as a transactional lawyer. Because the lawyer's responsibility is to ensure the transaction can be processed accordingly, the lawyer actually does not any responsibilities unless the transaction went wrong.
2. Most of the property transaction are as-is, which has no guarantee on the condition.
收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:05:22
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