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1. This 4 sentences are a section of a poem written by a Tan dynasty famous poet (800 AD).
2. 畫(portrait)樓(floored house) and 桂(a bamboo name)堂(an elegant room) are, in then time, rich people’s house.
3. 犀 means rhino. 靈 has many meaings, and its meaning depends on the context before or after. Here it means intelligent or clever. In ancient China, people thought, because rhino’s horns have holes in them, and there is a line between a horn and a brain, so this two (a horn and brain) could
communicate well. Now 靈犀 is used between a couple, friends who can communicate well without saying anything.
Yesterday’s stars and breeze
5. 畫樓西畔桂堂東
On the west of 畫樓and east of 桂堂
6. 身無綵鳳雙飛翼,心有靈犀一點通。
Even without colored wings to fly together, we still could communicate well.