How are video game characters able to take a bullet or two without any armor and still able to just walk it off?

2018-05-28 7:43 am

回答 (12)

2018-05-28 11:27 am
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Because you're playing it on Easy..
2018-05-28 1:45 pm
It's likely just a game mechanic to stop players getting frustrated and quitting the game within the first few minutes.

If the character took damage as they would in reality, then they would not get through many of the situations they can find themselves in during a game. I can think of several battles I've played in games that if it had been in reality anybody would be six foot under within seconds.

There has to be some leeway to a greater or lesser degree depending on what level you play on.
2018-05-28 10:32 am
Because it's a video game.
2018-05-28 10:14 am
You act like its not possible to survive a shot or two without armor in real life.
2018-05-28 8:28 am
Because it would be too frustrating for the game to immediately end each time you are struck by a single bullet.
2018-06-01 7:58 pm
Wow. Just wow.
2018-05-31 3:17 pm
Because it’s a video game. If it was realistic and had the character die that quickly, then it’d be way more frustrating and it’d be unenjoyable, unless of course, the game is easy enough that most players never ever die.
2018-05-28 1:03 pm
Because they're video game characters.

In a game, you can do almost anything. In real life a bullet wound is going to hurt if not stop you completely.
2018-05-28 10:10 am
Because most game didn't implement realism in their game, since it could drove lots of people away.

But that doesn't mean that realistic games didn't exist. If you want to play those kind of games, try play Arma series or Insurgency on PC, which implement some realism in their game (people die in 1-2 shots, gun physics, etc).
2018-05-28 7:48 am
Fantasy my friend, pure fantasy.
2018-05-28 7:48 am
because it's a game, not real life, and it's intended for entertainment only

if you want realism join the army
2018-05-28 7:45 am
Blowing up because it's a video game and does not have to follow the rules the rest of us do

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