Should I take 3 college courses at community college over the summer?

2018-05-28 7:24 am
I’m a high school student with a 4.77 GPA and I have already taken some courses at community college and earned A’s in all of them. However, I have been told that I should only take 2 courses over the summer as the courses are condensed. I want to take Psychology, Sociology, and Art Appreciation over the summer. I checked reviews on ratemyprofessor and those classes are easy and have very good professors teaching them. I am not doing anything over the summer so if I devote myself completely to my classes, do you think I will be able to earn A’s in my summer courses?

回答 (9)

2018-05-28 6:41 pm
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Courses are condensed which means you'll have longer, more frequent class-times. If you can build your schedule to allow for all three courses, then I would do it. I have done it, and it's not that bad... but it's not something I would recommend.
2018-05-29 7:37 am
If it were me, I would, but you have to decide what will ultimately be best for you.
2018-05-28 7:47 am
Yes, the courses are condensed. Which leaves no wiggle room. On a regular schedule, a college class meets once or twice a week. In summer school, you might meet four or five times a week. So, if something happens, like an illness, family vacation or computer problems, you will fall behind very quickly. I took two college classes over one summer and I would do one class for three hours in the morning, eat lunch, then do the 2nd class for three hours in the afternoon, every day, then go home and study each night. A third class might be possible, but if you want to keep a high GPA and actually learn the subject matter, I wouldn't risk it.
2018-05-29 3:31 am
Depends on the college. At my university, our summer classes can be full semester, "May"-mester, "June"-mester, etc. If they're full summer semester (i.e. 3-4 months long), yeah, go for it! If they're only a month long and they're all squished into the same month, I would consider only doing two. If they're a month long but spread out, that's even better.
2018-05-28 7:30 am
You will easily be able to take these classes.
2018-05-30 12:22 am
Yes you should.
2018-05-28 12:46 pm
Personally, no. In addition to what the others said, you need to give yourself down time to mentally relax and refresh, enjoy the summer. Once you are working (or even in college) you will never again have time on this scale to enjoy yourself without constraint.
2018-05-28 11:48 am
Good luck with that.
At the local CC where I live, 2 summer classes is considered "full-time".

As Torchbug said, the summer classes move at a much faster pace than a regular semester course. I took 2 classes at the local CC around 3 years ago during the summer and they were pretty challenging. It was mostly due to how fast they went.

In the Poli Sci class I took, we went over 1 chapter per day. For context, each chapter had at least 50 pages of pretty dense information.
We had a test every Thursday. They were open book, but that was kind of useless since the tests were written in such a way where you couldn't get the answer directly from the reading. That class was one of the most difficult classes I've ever taken. And the fact that the instructor was rude and seemed that he didn't want to be there either didn't help.

From my experience taking those summer classes, I wouldn't take 3 classes during the summer.
2018-05-28 1:09 pm
No one has a 4.77 GPA because the Gpa scale ENDS at 4.00000000000000000, NOT 5.0000000

I think you should take ONLY 2 courses. HOW LONG are the Summer terms. * weeks or 12 weeks. Taking 2 courses in an 8 week session is like taking 4 or 5 courses in NORMAL 14 to 15 week semester.... Excluding ONLINE courses which quarter s academic calendar courses. I've only taken ONE course during an 8 week summer term course, and it WAS full time. Intersession courses . trying stuff 1 semester into 3 weeks, are impossible. you have to be DESPERATE or obsessed. DO NOT take a course in your WORST subject during intersession.

Go ahead and take 3 courses, IF you want burn out mentally. it can take a LOT longer to recover from mental burn out than ONE entire summer. or one semester. You will end up like Bill Gates , who NOW wishes he had socialized more when he was at Harvard for 2 years.

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