Do you think Hillary Clinton is a criminal?

2018-05-25 8:50 am

回答 (54)

2018-05-28 2:45 am
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Of course Hillary is a criminal, and has been for a long time already since the buy a pardon scandal when Bill was governor. It isn't fair that General Flynn has been charged with lying to the FBI and lost everything he had so he could hire lawyers to defend himself, and Hillary has done way more and nothing has happened to her. Its SICK
2018-05-27 8:02 pm
Hillary Clinton is without a doubt a criminal, that no charges has been presented against her and have not been convicted. In her testimony before the congressional and senate hearings, there were so many holes and discrepancy in her testimony you that you knew she was lying.

In the investigation of her illegal server, the FBI director found enough evidence to refer her case to Loretta Lunch, the attorney General to be presented to a grand jury.

Loretta Lynch decided to allow the FBI director to make the decision as to if Hillary would be referred to a grand jury or not.

This is not protocol. The FBI's role is to investigate a crime and present the results to the Attorney General. The Attorney General decides if there is sufficient evidence to present the case and evidence to a grand jury.

Prior to the FBI director making the statement that even though Hillary had committed criminal acts by transmitting criminal acts by transferring classified documents over this unauthorized illegal server, he would not refer the case to a grand jury.

During the interrogation of Hillary, she was not read her rights. The interrogation was also not recorded.

Prior to the interrogation, the FBI had prepared a letter indicating Hillary would be exonerated and her case would not be presented to the Attorney General therefore charges would not be brought against her. Everyone knew that Hillary's case would not presented to a grand jury, since Loretta Lynch had passed, the authority, illegally to the FBI director to make a determination as to if Hillary's case would be presented to a grand jury or not.

It is the FBI director job to investigate any cases presented to them. Once the FBI has completed the investigation, the FBI would now turn the evidence found over tot he Attorney General.

Once the Attorney General has received the evidence from the FBI,it is now the Attorney General's job to make a determination as to if this evidence is sufficient enough to take the case to a grand jury panel

The Attorney General did not do here job. She also met with Bill Clinton while the case was under investigation.This is highly irregular. As the Attorney General of the United States and the is an ongoing investigation of the spouse you are meeting with, something stinks to the high heaven.

If you think these met by random chance and they discussed grand children as they claim. I have a canyon I would like to sell you. It is very inexpensive and you are able to recoup your investment outlay in a short time, as the tourist trade is fantastic. You might want to take a look at this canyon.Google Grand Canyon in Colorado. I have exclusive rights to ell it so keep it on the down low.

There was a sufficient amount of circumstantial evidence that was reason enough to present her case to a grand jury. There are individuals currently serving time in jail or prison for criminal acts the had less circumstantial evidence than that against Hillary.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2018-05-25 11:30 pm
Take the crimes that Hillary has been investigated for. Suppose that these were committed by Donald Trump. Would you say he's a criminal? What if the crimes were committed by someone else that's less known. Criminal?

Given the nature of Hillary's actions (most notably, the personal server with sensitive emails), I would say that there's enough there to levy criminal charges against her.
2018-05-25 8:52 am
If she is you have to ask yourself why is the Trump Justice Department shielding her from prosecution?
You people can't use the excuse Obama protected Hillary anymore , so either she isn't a criminal or Trump is protecting her.
2018-05-25 8:51 am
That's a fact.
2018-05-25 8:51 am


2018-05-25 8:59 am
If she were anyone but Hillary Clinton and had done the same things, she would fry.
2018-05-28 12:22 am
She doesn't care for America, so I guess she is.
2018-05-25 8:52 am
Her activity with regard to classified information is a violation of law. Any average military person would have been disciplined and lost their security clearance, at a minimum. She gets a pass because she is part of the political elite. That should not happen.
2018-05-27 6:10 pm
2018-05-25 9:10 am
Is Daffy a Duck? Yes despite all the crap she has done in the government is more than enough; but stealing from the Clinton Haitian Earthquake Foundation fund is really low.
2018-05-28 12:07 am
think? it has been proven.
2018-05-25 9:17 am
Well, Comey said as much, when he stated that in so many words that anyone else who did what she did would have had charges brought against them.
I do not have a good grasp of all legal statutes to make the comment that she is a "Criminal". That term has a very specific definition. I am rather confident that she is dirty or at least soiled. Whether her ways cross some legal code is not mine to say, But her power hungry ways are amoral at the least .
Although, I cannot think of a single politician who does not have some element of nefarious nature in their past to a greater or lesser extent.
參考: conservative
2018-05-25 9:09 am
yes, 100%
2018-05-25 8:54 am
Smashing blackberry devices with hammer, deleting 30K emails after a subpoena ..... what do you think?
2018-05-28 5:22 am
2018-05-28 2:51 am
2018-05-28 12:30 am
Yes she is. She is also a pedophile. But she is no lower than George Herbert Walker Bush or George Walker Bush or Jeb Bush or Laura Bush
2018-05-26 2:25 am

The Clintons history from the Arkansas days right up to the present would show that she is always close to some scandal and criminal activity. I would be <amazed> if she is not involved in any of it.

Publicising state secrets should be criminal. Pay for play should be criminal for a government official. Drug smuggling and money laundering should be criminal as should gun-running (e.g. via somewhere like Benghazi). Human trafficking should also be illegal (e.g. from Haiti) as should the misuse of funds given to a charity which you control (e.g. Clinton Foundation).
2018-05-28 12:09 am
everyone who is a part of that kind of world is a criminal.
2018-05-27 10:45 pm
Do cops sell drugs....
2018-05-28 4:36 am
Oh YESSSSSS!!!! She’s not Hillary she’s Killary
2018-05-27 9:56 pm
I do not care about politics.
2018-05-27 7:02 pm
Yes. She should be arrested and convicted.
2018-05-27 5:45 pm
She is no matter who believes it ir not.
2018-05-25 11:34 pm
I think so because she broke a rule regarding use of email in her office.
2018-05-25 9:08 am

And so is Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Merkel, and that Barbara Spectre.
2018-05-25 9:13 am
i know trump is one
2018-05-25 8:51 am
2018-05-25 9:43 am
i dont think so, i think people are being mean and spreading rumors
2018-05-28 8:17 am
2018-05-25 8:52 pm
I think she is corrupt like most politicians in Washington, including Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians
2018-05-28 12:44 am
A criminal? No. A bad person and a b****?Absolutely.
2018-05-25 9:01 am
Nope. She is innocent. The FBI said so. Get over it. All the lies and signs to lock her up were all for naught.
2018-05-25 12:22 pm
Who isn't a criminal? You? Okay. Whatever you say.
2018-05-25 5:13 pm
If she's not, she's really damn close. Whereas Trump is in fact an actual, provable criminal.

Our last election was the worst case of "lesser of two evils" I've seen in my life. That we actually got stuck with the worse of the two is mind-numbing. How the hell did we get here?
2018-05-28 12:31 am
I believe the Repugnants did a good job spreading propaganda.
2018-05-27 9:11 pm
Cons have been investigating the Clintons for the last 30 years.

She is either the worlds slickest, smartest most successful criminal,. that ever walked the planet, or they are the piss poorest, dumbest investigators that ever lived, if they could never convict her, for anything, in 30 years of trying. So I wonder which they admit to ? She is smarter than all of them, put together, or they are just that dumb?
2018-05-25 9:55 am
No more so than any other career politician. People accuse politicians of illegal this or criminal that all the time, and yet, there are rarely any charges because there is rarely any proof.
2018-05-25 9:08 am
Dishonest, yes. Criminal, no.
2018-05-28 11:28 am

Do you wish that she was so you could feel better about voting for the criminal Donald Trump?
2018-05-28 11:23 am
2018-05-28 8:16 am
No , an idiot for certain , but that in the least is not a crime.
2018-05-25 11:41 pm
I thought in the United States that you were only a criminal after due process. She is certainly suspect, but not a criminal in the true sense of the word or (supposed) historical definition. She should be tried in a court of law. However, it is my belief that if she were tried before a jury of her peers she would be found to have broken many of our laws. They say that absolute power corrupts, but it is my belief that absolute power does not corrupt. It only lures those who are corruptible. The problem we face here in America is that those who are qualified to be president of our country can make so much more money in other ways, so the only ones who run for president have nefarious intentions or have done illegal things to get to their place in society in order to be nominated for office. We need to require a more rigorous background investigation prior to allowing their nomination for any political office. We may have a corrupt government, but we still have the best system in existence.
2018-05-27 5:14 pm
2018-05-28 4:25 am
2018-05-27 5:47 pm
i don"t thing so. media also playing a role here
2018-05-28 8:20 pm
No, I never think it.
2018-05-28 12:55 pm
Absolutely! She sold uranium to Russia, took bribes, and made up this fake "Russian Collusion" story. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
2018-05-28 12:47 pm
I don't kow she is a criminal or not, but I'm 100% sure that Trump is.
2018-05-28 11:34 am
Hell yes!
2018-05-28 11:28 am
2018-05-28 8:09 am
2018-05-27 7:00 pm
2018-05-25 11:38 pm
No innocent by her peers Congress

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