織圍巾的工具有哪些? (加英文)?

2018-05-23 3:56 pm

回答 (2)

2018-05-24 12:44 am
To weave a scarf+implement:-
implement---a tool or instrument for working with weaving a scarf
weave by hand,by machine;
weave threads into scarf;
make scarf from threads=hand-woven scarves
weave cotton yarn into scarf;
woven from silk,wool
=hand-woven scarves
brooch pin飾針
safety pin别針,扣針
tie pin領帶别針
drawing pin圖針
bobby pin/hairgrip扁平髮夾小髮夾
a darning needle縫補用的大針
knitting needle編織針
to thread a needle穿針
a thin pointed rod used in knitting=KNIT編織針
on a loom=織布機=work at a loom=weaving scarf at a loom
loose/fine/herringbone weave=鬆或精或人字形織法式
Nail Board Knitting Scheme---釘板编織法
from a basket (with ornamental pin,scarf pin
pins and needles,needles for knitting,for sewing and darning;a hook for crocheting)---縫紉+剌繡籃子.
metal ring for ring finger;介子
a pair of scissors剪刀
scientic assorted needles----科學縫紉剌繡針羣
repairs&hems handheld sewing machine with battery operated ,portable.
2018-05-23 4:14 pm

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