Did David try to sleep with goliaths wife?

2018-05-23 5:23 am
Serious question. I heard someone say it

回答 (9)

2018-05-23 7:22 am
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No David was a righteous man he did give into fornication and adultery on one occasion with the wife of Uriah Bathsheba but besides that one occasion David was not given to fornication and adultery. Especially with the Enemy that he was set on killing.
2018-05-23 5:52 am
Well you heard wrong.
2018-05-23 6:28 am
You should never question what "someone" says.
2018-05-23 6:17 am
It was never mentioned in the bible that Goliath had a wife. Or kids.

Next time don't believe what 'someone' says.
2018-05-23 5:47 am
More adultery in the book of fairy tales.
2018-05-23 5:25 am
No he didn't. He and Uriah's wife were in love.
參考: David-OT
2018-05-23 6:29 am
Nope. No such thing was mentioned, and David was pretty young when he killed Goliath.
He did sleep with Uriah's wife, very dishonorably, with very bad results.
2018-05-23 6:02 am
Yes, he knocked her out with his slingshot and attempted intercourse. Her booty was too big, like Andre the Giant's...you've seen the statue of David.
2018-05-23 5:36 am
David’s known intimate relationships are with Bathsheba and Jonathan

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