Is there a way to grow from 5'5 to 6'1 being 23yro? A REAL legit way with results?

2018-05-22 5:00 am

回答 (10)

2018-05-22 5:03 am
Grow your hair out by 8 inches and spike it up. Or wear 8 inch heels. Or chop your legs off and get longer fake ones. Those are about your only options.
2018-05-23 3:08 pm
2018-05-22 5:37 am
Possibly not
2018-05-22 5:05 am
Sometimes taking vitamins when you were younger and growing can help a little, but at 23 you are screwed. You will have to live with it.
2018-05-22 5:01 am
2018-05-26 1:06 pm
Absolutely not, sorry. That's 8 inches..
2018-05-26 5:45 am
2018-05-22 10:39 am
Uh, no.
2018-05-22 8:37 am
No and what is wrong with being 5'5 if you are a girl
2018-05-22 5:03 am

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