Thinking of uping my dose of anti depressant. Should I wait till doctor asks me or can I ask first?

2018-05-22 1:48 am

回答 (5)

2018-05-22 10:43 pm
2018-05-22 7:29 am
Definitely speak to your doctor about this before doing it. Sometimes I think of decreasing it or increasing it and I'm sure it's the right thing to do. Then, after speaking with my doctor about it, I find out it wasn't. They're the professionals so they know best.
2018-05-22 2:29 am
you should talk to your doctor first before you do that
2018-05-22 2:26 am
always talk over things with your doctor to make sure you wont end up hurting yourself in some unknown/unseen way
2018-05-22 1:49 am
You can ask first.
The doctor works for you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:11:05
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