The question is, what happens if you smoke 2 or 4 a day, and we know the answer to that for sure. The word "addictive" gets used a lot but it has a specific definition when you're talking about drugs, nicotine for example. An addictive drug is a drug you have to keep taking more of to get the same effect. Heroin is like that and so is nicotine. Right now, you can get a nice buzz from a cigarette or two, but before you know it you'll be smoking more and more, until you're smoking like a pack and a half a day. You won't even notice how you keep reaching for the pack. You'll just notice that you're running out sooner than you expected.
As you know, this is risky to your health in a number of ways. Another reason why its a bad idea is all the money that goes into your habit. People are typically spending more than $2000 a year on cigarettes!
What you need is a better way to relax, and there's a lot of good ways - things that are good for you and don't cost you a dime.
The VA recommends breathing therapy for vets with post-traumatic stress syndrome, I'll show you a video with a psychologist who talks about the work she's done with vets back from Iraq who've been having a terrible time - drinking, nightmares, and all that.
Two psychiatrists have written a book in which they recommend 20 minutes of breathing exercise twice a day.
The psychologist in the video recommends something called square breathing. It's easy to remember and practice. Breathe slowly to a count of 4. Slowly, not deeply. In to 4, hold to 4, out to 4, hold to 4. You can do it anytime, like when you're driving, but the best way is sitting or lying down so you can feel your belly go in and out.
A good habit is to always respond to stressful situations by taking at least 2 or 3 slow breaths through the nose.
Breathing with the belly muscle is healthy. Always sit, walk, and stand so that you can breathe freely.
Rushing around and doing things without thinking about them is bad for your nerves and makes for mistakes and accidents. Moving carefully and thinking about what you do is your friend.
Find some time to relax, and talk with friends and family. Don't waste your time on junk like TV shows you don't care about. Find interesting things to do, like a good hobby or volunteer work.
This answer has healthy lifestyle resources, some costing nothing or next to nothing.