What happens to a child in Witness Protection if they become orphans?

2018-05-20 2:04 pm
Say a child and their parent are in the witness protection program and the parent either dies or falls very ill. Say maybe an illness that leaves them completely unfit and are no longer able to care for the child anymore. What would happen to the child in that case? If they have no other relative in or out of the program, where exactly would they end up? Is it possible a foster home but still under Witness protection?

回答 (5)

2018-05-20 2:05 pm
They are placed into a foster home under their new identity.
2018-05-20 8:19 pm
If a child becomes an orphan, being in the Witness Protection Program doesn't make ANY difference.
2018-05-20 2:05 pm
Foster home, where else.
2018-05-24 4:22 am
foster care. and yes, this has happened before
2018-05-21 12:36 am
Same thing happens, they are fostered out/adopted

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:05:29
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