When I get tired I can’t think straight and I get panic attacks. What’s wronh with me?

2018-05-20 4:43 am

回答 (4)

2018-05-20 12:05 pm
go to doctor
2018-05-20 5:05 am
This could be your body's reaction of not getting enough of sleep. But I suggest you go to the doctor, it could be worse.
2018-05-20 5:05 am
There's a good chance you're under a lot of stress right now, but we know very little about you.

I've been getting very positve responses to panic answers like this one. I hope it helps.

2018-05-20 4:47 am
You need more sleep.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:02:19
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