Why do democrats want to take our guns so badly? Don't they know that's unconstitutional ?

2018-05-19 7:40 am

回答 (18)

2018-05-19 7:42 am
Maybe we should do what the nra says on their website. Add mental illness to background checks for gun purchases.
2018-05-19 7:43 am
They are communist
2018-05-19 7:46 am
Disarming the people is the quickest way to enslave them.

If you want to build a society where the government can take your wealth and redistribute it, and pass laws to regulate every aspect of your life you need to disarm them to prevent armed resistance.

Did you think liberals are just more safety conscious?
2018-05-19 7:42 am
Democrats want to take away the Constitution, too.
2018-05-19 7:42 am
They don't care. They wanna feel safe. Statistics don't matter.
2018-05-19 10:11 am
There are no more Democrats - they're all Socialists & Fascists now.
2018-05-19 8:10 am
Of course they know. It is just that they don't care about what the Constitution does and doesn't say just so long as they get their way..... and THAT amounts to complete abdication of integrity and citizen's responsibilities.
2018-05-19 7:48 am
It could be that the liberals only see one side of this which is killing things and not the argument for self-defense. Sometimes I wonder if any liberal would have a change of heart if their child was protected from a gunman who decided to shoot up a school. If that gunman was shot dead, would they blame the protector and call for more gun laws, or would they thank that person who shot the bad guy?
2018-05-19 7:43 am
The facts do not support your opinion.

“Don't forget - when they made us register our cars, it was the surest sign yet that they're gonna come confiscate all of our cars.“ ~ John Fugelsang

The number of Obama gun laws passed during his two terms in office comes in at only two, and neither placed additional restrictions on gun owners. In fact, the two gun laws signed by Obama actually expanded the rights of gun owners in the United States.

2018-05-19 8:50 am
Having a constitution is unconstitutional.
2018-05-19 7:59 am
In fantasy land where they live, they believe they can undo mans ability and desire to do evil. They think that eventually all guns will be gone. And as long as we have a law, no one will try to make ones.
2018-05-19 7:53 am
they say they don't, until they say they do....
2018-05-19 7:43 am
It's not
There is a very good reason that the Second Amendment begins with" A well regulated"
2018-05-19 9:12 am
Democrats do not want to 'take your guns.'
That is just the far right fear mongering.
What most Democrats, and the majority of Americans want, are new and better measures to regulate and control the sale and use of firearms.
2018-05-19 7:55 am
The second amendment allows men to have muskets so they can be called up for the state militia when needed. The state has not called anyone up for about 250 years, so you may not need your musket any more.
2018-05-19 8:08 am
Thank you for being the perfect example of a hysterical slippery slope gun nut who thinks any restrictions on guns is a threat to the Second Amendment. Cons always seem susceptible to slippery slope nonsense, ie gay marriage would destroy America. These measures would not be unconstitutional:

Assault Ban reinstated
14 day waiting period
5 round magazine limit
No sales at gun shows
No bump stocks
Licenses for all arms
Minimum age of purchase 21
Universal background checks
Felony charges for adults not keeping firearms away from children
2018-05-19 11:41 pm
if you are too irresponsible to handle deadly weapons as most Americans have proven they are, then somebody has to take them away from you to protect human life. Just like if you're an irresponsible driver and you keep committing vehicular homicide, the government will take away your drivers license to protect human life. What is it about that that your simple mind can't comprehend? You gun owners need to stop blaming Democrats and liberals and everybody else about the fact that you proved you were too irresponsible to own deadly weapons. Blame yourselves. You had your chance and you blew it
2018-05-19 11:16 am
So that we don't die.

And the Constitution only says that "the people", which at the time meant the group as a whole, have the right to guns. It says nothing that could have meant that each individual had that right, since the word "people" wasn't the plural of person until much later. (In those days, the plural of person was "persons".)

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