Is it okay to wear jeans and a hoodie to the cinema?

2018-05-17 1:52 pm

回答 (9)

2018-05-17 1:54 pm
Why would that not be okay?
2018-05-17 5:30 pm
2018-05-17 2:47 pm
I don’t see anything wrong with that
2018-05-17 1:57 pm
Yes that is okay
2018-05-18 2:44 pm
yes, I mean.
2018-05-18 9:37 am
By all means !
2018-05-18 3:04 am
Yes but not on opening night if you're in the movie.
2018-05-18 12:16 am
There is nothing wrong with that. Wear whatever is comfortable for you. There is no dress code to go to the movies.
2018-05-17 8:41 pm
If its a horror movie

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