what is the difference between white pride and black pride?

2018-05-16 11:21 pm

回答 (8)

2018-05-16 11:53 pm
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White pride is racist and black pride isnt

atleast, thats what we hear
2018-05-16 11:57 pm
Liberals love black pride but they hate white pride.
2018-05-17 12:04 am
White pride is racist
2018-05-17 12:41 am
One group has something to be proud of besides basketball.
2018-05-17 12:23 am
Too many people fail to understand the idea of “pride,” whether it’s gay people or black people or Latinos. The idea is this: if your group has been looked down upon and treated as inferior, a movement might arise in your group to encourage the members to have pride in themselves and not accept the inferior treatment.

Members of majority groups--white, heterosexual, Christian--do not need pride groups for this reason.
2018-05-16 11:27 pm
Welcome to LGBT.

Black Pride is an expression that refers to a deliberate attempt to overcome four centuries of being broken and brainwashed by white Americans, into believing that dark skin is a mark of inherent inferiority. Four centuries is a long time - between 12 and 20 generations. The result of this systematic degradation is that African-Americans have to deal with an association with ignorance and violence from people like themselves, whose families did not escape the experience without damage. Another result is that their children pick up on the still-present message of inherent inferiority. Black Pride is part of a school of thought designed to counter and overcome all that.

White Pride is a recently-conceived fallacy. It is a deliberate attempt to legitimize the idea that European-Americans are inherently superior to African-Americans, and to any people whose appearance or culture is not Europe-based. It is based upon the idea that people of European extraction are a global minority, and bound to be bred out of existence unless interbreeding is brought to a halt. European-Americans are supposed to be particularly vulnerable to this, being in a place where non-European are legally considered to be their equals, and where interbreeding has been legal for a few decades. These conditions have given rise to the fallacy called "White Genocide", which implies there is a conscious determination to interbreed European-Americans out of existence. This false fear is intended to lure European-Americans into accepting the legitimacy of the "White Pride" notion. It is touted as being a simple analog to "Black Pride". This overlooks the fact that there has been no four centuries of calculated repression and persecution at the hands of non-whites, for which some therapy is required. It also neatly sweeps under the carpet the fact that it was "White Pride" that was behind that campaign of inhuman soul-crushing for 400 years, in the first place.
2018-05-16 11:56 pm
Whites are the majority, blacks are not. White pride could be seen as attempting to lord it over minorities.
2018-05-17 12:33 am
One is white people and the other is black people.

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