can facts be hate speech?

2018-05-16 2:25 am

回答 (10)

2018-05-16 2:53 am
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Yes. It could be in 2018.
2018-05-16 2:36 am
Depends. If you constantly refer to an overweight person as "That Fat Jew" instead of their name, that pattern of behavior could be considered hate speech, even if it is true, depending on what country/state etc.... You could certainly get fired for it.
2018-05-16 11:52 pm
Depends, if you're stating a fact in general, it can't hate speech. If you use it against someone to harass them, then it is.
2018-05-16 2:29 am
Yes of course if they hurt my feelings. Nah just kidding. Most left wing fascists are unwilling/unable to process facts in a logical manner. Anyone speaking facts are labeled as alt right racists.
2018-05-16 8:11 pm
It is possible that you can state facts in such a way that the unstated yet very obvious meaning is that of unjustifiable and false hatred toward a group. Hatred is not just words, it is what the words represent and are intended to represent.
2018-05-16 4:33 pm
Some people sure think so (!)
2018-05-17 7:22 am
it depends so yes
2018-05-16 2:43 am
Yes if you are referring to a speech that occurred in the past, but not the actions that took place because of it. They are different in the respect that speech alone is not going to cause physical injury, but may have some consequences due to psychological implications that last far into the future.
2018-05-16 2:38 am
Some people will consider facts hate speech, it depends how you use them. If you use facts to hate towards a race or go against a race. Most people won't really care though
2018-05-16 2:26 am
They can be yes.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:18:51
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