
2018-05-15 9:53 pm


回答 (3)

2018-05-16 5:28 pm
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請幫我將以下內文翻成英文,謝謝! 就我個人對於台灣高等教育的看法,很常聽到人們在討論,台灣的教育是學校與補習班共同生存,學生讀書已經不是為了增加知識而讀書,而是為了考試而讀書,在台灣,重視的通常是考試成績或是寫報告的能力,而上台發表卻不是最重要的,反觀國外的學生,他們重視的並不是考試成績,而是課堂上的提問與回答問題、分組討論
Please help me translate the following sentence into English. Thank you! As far as my personal views on Taiwan’s higher education are concerned, people often hear people discuss it. Taiwan’s education is the survival of schools and cram schools. Students are not reading books to increase knowledge. Instead, to study for exams, in Taiwan, it is usually the ability to take test scores or write reports. But it is not the most important to report on stage. On the other hand, foreign students do not pay attention to test scores, but to classrooms. Ask questions and answer questions and discuss in groups.
2018-05-16 10:53 am

my personal opinions on the advanced education system in Taiwan:

It is commonly heard, in Taiwan, that the education system contains in parallel both formal schools and cram schools.

To study is not to earn new knowledge but to pass exams.

What is deemed important there are the grades and the skills in writing reports but not making presentations.

On the contrary, for the students in other countries, what are important to them are interactions in class and group discussions.
2018-05-16 3:51 am
As far as higher study being concerned, it is a fact that Taiwanese have been talking about its education being associated with private tutoring ;so as to get full marks and for the sake of examinations. In Taiwan, the system of education is strictly confined to achievement in examination and ability of report while that of foreigners for questionnaire and seminar. Yip

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