I am planning to go to China, any tips?

2018-05-12 2:59 pm
I am planning to go to China, any tips and recommendations?

回答 (4)

2018-05-12 11:18 pm
China is a big country. Where exactly are you going? What time of year are you going? The big sights in Beijing- the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall- are worth seeing. most of the rest of Beijing is a very modern city- very little left of old China. It's true that outside the tourist hotels, many people don't speak English. Look for the kids- they all study English in school. We would find a kid, tell them where we wanted to go, and they would write in it Chinese (Putonghua in Beijing, Cantonese in Shenzhen) on a piece of paper that we could show the taxi driver.
2018-05-12 11:11 pm
Don't disagree with anyone. They value harmony, not your opinion.
2018-05-12 3:28 pm
you should learn 'hanzi' 汉字。Also,speak mandarin
2018-05-12 3:13 pm
Don't expect many people to speak English. Be prepared to be charged a different price than locals/people who are fluent in the local language. 'Antiques' are sometimes modern and mass produced (not a problem if you like the item anyway).

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