This guy and I have liked each other for a while now. I recently came out of a 16 month relationship so lets just say, we jumped into things a little too quickly..
We spent holidays together with a few of our friends. We made out on the beach which lead us to believe we were dating. During the day though, we barely spoke, and it felt as though he forgot I existed. At night was different, he was exhausted early due to his medication, but was very affectionate to me in private. On one of the nights though, I felt helpless because I could tell he was irritated by something (he kept telling me he was just tired), I kept trying to reassure him that I was there for him but he didn't acknowledge it.
When I got home I texted him and told him how it made me feel when he forgot about me. He explained that he still wasn't certain if he was mentally equipped for a girlfriend yet (he told me he tried to kill himself a few weeks ago).. He said he was fine with taking things slowly though, but when it came down to it I wasn't sure. I mean I rushed into this too and this year we're both doing year 12 and live a distance of five hours away from one another. I suggested that we could wait until we're at least both in our 20s, (I'm nearly 18 and he's almost 19), that way we could sort of have our lives together and his mental health could potentially improve. Thus the relationship could work long term. He sounded okay with it, or so I hoped.
Do you think I've made the right decision.?