scratch is want?

2018-05-09 8:43 pm

回答 (2)

2018-05-09 8:46 pm
verb: scratch; 3rd person present: scratches; past tense: scratched; past participle: scratched; gerund or present participle: scratching
score or mark the surface of (something) with a sharp or pointed object.
"the car's paintwork was battered and scratched"
synonyms: score, abrade, scrape, roughen, scuff (up), lacerate, groove, gash, engrave, incise, gouge
"take care not to scratch the surface on plastic baths"
make a long, narrow superficial wound in the skin of.
"her arms were scratched by the thorns"
synonyms: graze, scrape, abrade, rasp, skin, rub raw, cut, lacerate, bark, chafe, strip, flay, wound; technicalexcoriate
"thorns scratched her tender skin"
rub (a part of one's body) with one's fingernails to relieve itching.
"Jessica lifted her sunglasses and scratched her nose"
synonyms: rub, claw (at), scrape, tear at
"he scratched the back of his neck"
make (a mark or hole) by scoring a surface with a sharp or pointed object.
"I found two names scratched on one of the windowpanes"
write (something) hurriedly or awkwardly.
remove (something) from something else by pulling a sharp implement over it.
"he scratched away the plaster"
make a rasping or grating noise by scraping something over a hard surface.
"the dog scratched to be let in"
(of a bird or mammal, especially a chicken) rake the ground with the beak or claws in search of food.
"the hens cannot do anything that comes naturally to them, such as scratch around"
search for (someone or something that is hard to locate or find).
"he's still scratching around for a woman to share his life"
synonyms: search, hunt (around), cast about/around/round, rummage (around), forage (about), poke around/about, scrabble, grub about/around, root (around), scavenge, fish about/around, rake around, feel around, grope (around), nose around/about/round, ferret (about/around)
"the authority had scratched around for every spare penny over the years"
accomplish (something) with great effort or difficulty.
"Tabitha wondered how long the woman had been scratching a living on the waterways"
make a living with difficulty.
"many architects now scratch along doing loft conversions"
cancel or strike out (writing) with a pen or pencil.
"the name of Dr McNab was scratched out and that of Dr Dunstaple substituted"
synonyms: cross out, strike out, score out, delete, erase, remove, strike off, eliminate, cancel, expunge, obliterate
"many names had been scratched out or overwritten"
withdraw (a competitor) from a competition.
"Jolie's Halo was scratched from a minor stakes race at Monmouth Park"
synonyms: withdraw, pull out (of), back out (of), bow out (of), stand down, give up, leave, quit
"due to a knee injury she was forced to scratch from the race"
(of a competitor) withdraw from a competition.
"due to a knee injury she was forced to scratch from the race"
cancel or abandon (an undertaking or project).
"banks seem prepared to scratch stabilization charges"
play a record using the scratch technique (sense 2 of the noun).
"the practices of rap and scratching"
noun: scratch; plural noun: scratches
a mark or wound made by scratching.
"the scratches on her arm were throbbing"
synonyms: score, mark, line, abrasion, scrape, scuff, laceration, groove, gash, gouge
"there was a large dent in the panel and a scratch in the paint"
a slight or insignificant wound or injury.
"it's nothing—just a scratch"
synonyms: graze, scrape, abrasion, cut, laceration, wound
"he had two scratches on his cheek"
an act or spell of scratching oneself to relieve itching.
"he gave his scalp a good scratch"
a rasping or grating noise produced by something rubbing against a hard surface.
"the scratch of a match lighting a cigarette"
a rough hiss, caused by the friction of the stylus in the groove, heard when a record is played.
a technique, used especially in rap music, of stopping a record by hand and moving it back and forwards to give a rhythmic scratching effect.
"a scratch mix"
(in sport) the starting point in a race for a competitor that is not given a handicap or advantage.
"a 631-metres handicap, when the excellent stayer, Too Fast, will be off scratch"
a handicap of zero, indicating that a player is good enough to achieve par on a course.
"he plays off scratch in University golf"
"he was working to get some scratch together"
adjective: scratch
assembled or made from whatever is available, and so unlikely to be of the highest quality.
"City were fielding a scratch squad"
(of a sports competitor or event) with no handicap given.
"he was a scratch player at many courses"
2018-05-18 2:04 am
Scratch is wanted ?==搔癢是必需的嗎? Yip

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